Chapter Twelve

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Thanks for all the reviews everyone. Finished this chapter early & was like...might as well post it early.

Chapter Twelve: Hogsmeade

A month of classes had yet again passed by. Snape had seemed rather distracted for the past few months, I was surprised I was just noticing this now. He is usually very strict and picky with everything about class, but he wasn't giving out detention or taking away as many points as usual. I noticed that he and Kakaroff seemed to basically hate each other. Snape was pretty much ignoring me this year, which I did not mind at all.

Finally someone had been able to resist Moody for a few seconds, but it of course had to be Ginny Weasley, who still didn't like me. At least she finally had gotten us out of doing all of this stupid practice. Literally, I would never be able to resist anything like this and Moody new that. He always gave Eowyn and I the most embarrassing ones to do. There was something off about him. Dasha admired him and Eowyn feared him, but I didn't know how I felt about him. He looked at me oddly sometimes, like he was trying to figure something out. I just avoided him. I got a bad feeling when I was around him.


Even though a month had passed, Jake and I hadn't spoken once. I now think he was the one avoiding me. I always saw him though in his large group of friends. I was too afraid to approach them. It was intimidating approaching a large group of students much older than me. It also seemed he had moved on to a new girl. Cal who went to the Yule Ball with Monique, was now always walking around with her friend Rosaline. They seemed to have gotten very close and I saw them holding hands one day by the lake. But now it seemed as though Jake and Monique were always together. I saw them laughing and having conversations every time he passed. It seemed they were becoming more than friends. Victoria and a few of her Bulgarian friends were hanging around with them now.


Of course there had been a few awkward encounters from passing each other in the hallways, yet he always seemed to turn his head. Harry though had no problem hiding his dislike of me. I saw him in the hallways and he wouldn't turn or try to avoid me at all. He just looked at me in distaste. I always wanted to stop him but had no idea what to say, so I just continued on.


And for Draco...I still wanted to kill him. He kissed me, ruined my friendship with two people who were actually kind to me, and then pretended as though it didn't happen. I mean honestly! So I did to him what Jake and Harry were doing to me. I simply ignored him. He still made his comments at me and acted like all was well, but I ignored him and he did notice. He made comments such as, "No comeback Nyx?" And then he would laugh with his friends. Inside I wanted to yell that my last name wasn't Nyx, but I didn't know anymore. I still had no idea how I felt about that and haven't told anyone. There was no one to tell.


It seemed like time was flying by, yet nothing was getting done. I was afraid to approach these people and I know I shouldn't be, but I didn't know what to say. I seemed to be spending a lot of time in the library which was unusual for me, but I had nothing else to do.


The next morning was a Wednesday and I didn't have any early classes. I was walking down the hall when Harry was coming the opposite direction and he was alone. What the hell. Time to stop being so afraid. "Harry," I called without thinking and he still continued walking past me.

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