Chapter Ten

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So I'm hoping this chapter explains A LOT from the first & second book! Hope you enjoy.

Chapter Ten: The Missing Link

I arrived at Dumbledore's office before breakfast. I wanted to get out of Hogwarts fast and before I bumped into anyone. I was still heartbroken of what happened last night. Harry officially was going to hate me forever. Jake was never going to forgive me. I got the impression that he liked me and if that were true...well then it was ruined now. And this all went down to Draco. He set me up. Why did he want to ruin my life so badly? When I got to Dumbledore's office, he was a bit shocked at how early I was. "Ms. Nyx, I assumed you would have wanted to have some breakfast with your friends before you go," he said to me.

"No thank you sir," I said. What friends?  Dumbledore allowed me to use the Floo network. When I arrived at home there was a six hour time difference, so it was still midnight there. Silvius came home from the hospital yesterday. I didn't want to wake Silvius after hearing about the condition he was in, so I went up to my cold little room in the top of the tower.

When I entered, it was the exact same way I left it. Barely any furniture yet still a complete mess. I dropped my bag down on the floor and fell down onto my mattress. I wasn't tired, but I felt like just laying here forever. Strangely though I did fall asleep and when I woke up it was already noon time. I guess I had a lot of sleep to catch up on from pulling all nighters to finish homework assignments at Hogwarts.

I stood up and looked outside. It was snowing here as well. I walked down the steps to the main hall and when I did I heard a scream. It was Elvira and she jumped when she saw me. Her dark black hair was pulled up in a tight black ponytail making her look even more evil than usual. "What?" I asked her.

"What are you doing here? Your year isn't finished yet," she said in a bitter tone.

"I came to see Silvius, not you," I stated and she gave me a small glare before walking away. I guess Silvius didn't let anyone know I was coming. I peered into the living room but I did not see a Christmas tree or any sign of decoration. My parents were never too big on the holidays. I stepped into the living room just to see who was around. Avelina, my mother, and an older boy I've never seen before were sitting together. My mother looked up at me with a shocked expression.

"You're home," she stated although it was more like a question. Her cold eyes stared at me in surprise. Yeah Mom, always nice to see you too.

"I came to see Silvius," I said to her. "Don't worry though I'll be gone at the end of the week." I glanced over at Avelina and the strange boy. I assumed it was her boyfriend. Avelina was very similar to my mother, she never spoke much and never expressed any emotion. Dane and she were very much alike and although they were my siblings, I honestly felt as though I knew nothing about them.

"Damien Reeves," the boy next to her said introducing himself yet making no gesture. I could tell he would fit in well around here. At least he was polite enough to say anything at all.

"I'm Scarlett, Avelina's sister," I said to him. That was weird to say. Usually I just told everyone I was an only child when I introduced myself, at least that's what I did at Hogwarts.

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