Chapter Six

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You'll probably recognize some very similar qualities to the book in this story, because Goblet of Fire was my absolute favorite book! Also I know in the movies Beauxbatons was an all girl school and Durmstrang was all boys, but in the books it was mixed so that's how it is in here.

Chapter Six: Beauxbatons and Durmstrang

School was actually going better than usual. I hadn't paid one trip to Madame Pomfrey yet this year and it was already the second week in October. I haven't experienced any explosions either in Snape's class. Yes, my potions were never the exact color, but no one's perfect. Moody always gave me weird looks and acted weirdly around me, ever since the first day. It was almost as if he knew me. Maybe I was just imagining things. Imperio lessons were not fun and we weren't just doing them for the next few lessons, we were still doing them. He said he wasn't going to stop until someone was able to resist a tiny bit. So I prayed Dasha or someone else who was smart could figure out a way to do so.


It was terrible and I had given up trying to resist after the first week. Dasha went first and failed miserably. Moody had her dance in front of the entire class. She was humiliated that she knew the spells, but couldn't resist. Guess you were strictly book smart Dasha. Eowyn had no hope in ever resisting, you had to have great control over the mind. Eowyn barely stayed still in her sleep. I as well failed very badly and had to sing in front of the entire class with my terrible voice. This class was shared with the Ravenclaws, so I hoped one of them could do it before Halloween or I think I would just drop out now.


Draco ranted on every night about Moody, he hated him since the first day when he was turned into a ferret. I for one wish I was there to witness it. He was still acting as the cool jerk around the Slytherins. Draco now had even more girls falling over him than usual. I hated sitting down in the common room and having to listen to him brag or bash people. Sometimes he would even talk badly about me when I was sitting right near him. Yet was better than sitting in my dorm with Celina, Amelie, and Christina who talked about me as if I wasn't even in the room. At least Draco acknowledged me when he spoke badly of me. With Parkinson as their Queen, Pansy happened to be in my dorm sometimes which made me want to sleep on the stairs.


One night I caught Draco and Pansy snogging. I almost barfed, they saw me and both smirked. What was I supposed to be jealous or something? You could tell Pansy was quite proud of herself. Can't you just see he's using you Parkinson? It wasn't like he even liked her as a person. Ive actually heard him say how annoying she was the moment she's walked away from him. She skipped into our dorm that night just to tell her friends about it, yet the entire time she was talking she was looking at me. Wow someone needed to get over themself because I could actually careless.


Currently it was a Friday night and I should be asleep, yet I was having trouble as always. Eowyn was the only other person up. I could tell because she kept flipping from side to side. "Eowyn?" I whispered.


She shot up out of her bed with a scared look. "Who said that?" she asked nervously. I laughed and she looked at me as I sat up. Thankfully our beds were next to each other. I was on the far right against the wall. In order it went Amelie, Celina, Christina, Dasha, Eowyn, and then me. "Oh, just you." She breathed a sigh of relief.


"Can't sleep either?" I asked her and she shook her head. "Hey, I haven't heard much about Aidan lately." I brought up, I really hadn't. Since neither of us could sleep maybe talking would tire us out. All last year I heard about Aidan from Eowyn, but she hasn't talked about him in a few weeks.

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