Chapter Nine

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Chapter Nine: The Yule Ball

It was normal for a professor wanting to speak to me after class, but not when it was Headmaster Dumbledore. When Snape told me that Dumbledore wanted to see me, I thought he was joking. It was possible that Snape told him about my failing potions grade and was going to try to make me repeat third year potions again next year. That would be embarrassing.

The entrance to Dumbledore's office was the coolest one I've seen yet. There was a large Phoenix that twisted into a set of stairs after I muttered the password Snape gave me. When I reached the top of the stairs I knocked before pushing open the large doors. Dumbledore was seated at his desk, admiring a strange looking object. He looked up at me with a kind expression as I walked in. "You wanted to see me Professor?" I asked as I approached his desk. He glanced at me with his half moon glasses on the edge of his nose. I have no clue as to why he wanted to see me. I have done nothing wrong. Well, nothing too wrong. "Have I done anything wrong?"

"No Ms. Nyx, sometimes I like to just check in on my students. See if everything is alright. Take a seat," he said and motioned to the empty chair in front of him. Well that was a strange reason. I haven't heard of any students being called into Dumbledore's office for a chat. Slowly I sat down in the seat, wondering where this was going. Dumbledore glanced at me questionably. I knew he must have other reasons. His office was sort of amazing though, there was so many interesting items around here.

"Well...I've been fine, Professor," I said confused while glancing around the room. I was getting distracted by everything in the room. I noticed his phoenix, Fawkes, was sitting in the corner of the room. I wondered if it remembered me from my first year in the Chamber. Those birds were really clever.

"Anyway," he continued after a few seconds of hesitation. "Are you all packed for you Holiday?"

"Actually sir I'm staying." I responded. I always stayed at Hogwarts over break, no matter what. At least this time I had a good reasoning. "I've been asked to the Yule Ball, so I'm staying for the Holiday." All the time I get away from home is great, even if I seemed to be losing friends this year. Dumbledore smiled a bit.

"May I ask who?" Dumbledore asked curiously.

"Jake Ryfeld," I told him with a small smile. "Sir." I always had to remind myself to add Sir or Professor.

"Just me being a curious old man." He smiled once more. Now I know Dumbledore didn't just call me in here to talk about my holiday or Yule Ball date. I was hoping he would get straight to the point. If he was trying to make small talk, it was likely that he was stalling. "You are probably wondering as to why I have called you here." I nodded, there we go. "I have gotten news from Salem that one of your siblings have been injured." I was not sure how to react to this. I despised almost all of them, so it depended on which one was hurt. "Your brother, Silvius." My eyes widened, of course, the only sibling I actually cared about. Why couldn't it have been Elvira?

"What happened?" I asked quickly, almost standing up out of my seat.

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