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Author-nim in your area!

So apparently I got tag by _Yohanugh, and yep I'll do this challenge :) btw thanks for tagging me!

1) Do I have a crush?
Well, I'm sure most of us have someone we admire and secretly had feelings for him/her, so yeah, but I don't have a crush cause like pfft who needs them when we got out bias?;)
2) Middle name

y middle name is Ezra. Sorry if it's plain
3) Height

I'm very tol 😢 taller than Lisa jk! I'm actually wish I was short but God gave me long legs so yeah..;)
4) Shoe Size
Gonna warn you, my foot is worse than big foot's foot :( so yeah....somewhere near 38
5) Eye colour
Some says black, some says brown, so idk xc
6) Biggest fear
LIZARDS!! I hate being in the same room as lizards like if I saw them laying around I would immediately run away like seriously they scare me sometimes T-T
7) Last time cried
I don't really remember..
8) Last person I've texted?
My friend XD
9) Last song I heard
Got7 Thank you, I recommend you to listen to this song, especially to all ahgases. It shows that no matter what condition their in, we(ahgase) would always support them no matter what, and Got7 felt touched and wanted to do something for us to repay our kindness. It really emotional as you can feel how they really are sincere in this song. So go ahead and listen to it, I promise you won't regret :)💚
10) Favourite app
Well, wattpad is one :) also instagram and YouTube :)

Here's some random tags to keep the game going! ♥

Gentle reminder that you're not force to do this if you don't want to

Thanks for reading!

(edit)extra tag(s)!♥

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