Chapter 13

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At school

{ 3rd person's POV }

Everyone move out of the way as she walk through the halls. The students that we're laughing soon stop and look at her with a disgusting look.

As soon as she reach her locker, many papers fell down. Each of them were written in black permanent marker.

You slut

Ugly b¡tch!

Disgusting stalker!

She stare down at the papers for a minute before picking them up. Paper by paper, she felt her heart sting, and so does her eye.

She threw all the papers into the dustbin as she shut her locker and walk away. Behind her, she could hear whispers and fingers pointing at her back.

Jungkook, who watch the whole thing, was not pleased to see this. Well yes, he indeed hate Tzuyu, but seeing how others treat her, makes him remember of his tragic past.


{ Jungkook's POV}

I follow her to where she headed. She then stop at the stairs that leads to the rooftop. I hid behind a wall as I watch.

She fell to her knees, it look like it hurts, as she started sobbing loudly. Her shoulders moving up and down. I watch as she does so.

After like 2 minutes, her sobbing gotten softer. She looks in real pain now. She look like she really need someone to talk to right now.

" You alright? " I ask as I approach her.

" Please, I want some time to myself..." she said in a breaking tone.

I crotch down so that my height was the same level as hers as I extended my hand to her.

She looks at my hand for a second. She then held my hand firmly as I pull her up so that we are standing.

" Come, you need some comfort. " I said softly as I guide her outside of school.

" what if, they see us together? " She ask in a worried tone.

" They are having their classes right now. "

" Don't do this, Lisa–"

" She doesn't have to
know. " I said as we continue walking outside.

I can't believe those words have just escape my mouth.

But right now,  I wanted to make her feel better.


{ Lisa's POV }

kook is not here. well, it is quite normal for him to skip class. But he usually only skip history class and we don't have history today.

The last time I saw him was at the hall before Jennie drag me away from him. I'm very worried right now..

" Psst, Namjoon oppa. " I whisper yell to him, but he was too focus to even hear me.

I poke his shoulder lightly. After a few pokes, he finally turn and face me.

" What? "

" Where's kook? "

" Wasn't he with you? "

I shake my head.

" I haven't seen him since morning. "

I then get more and more worried. Where could he gone of to?.. I decided to shrug it off and focus back to class. Tzuyu is not here either. I feel more worried for both of them now.

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