Derek Morgan x Reader

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This is dedicated for @PaigeJones089 cause she is definitely a Derek girl and I wrote this especially for her. Luv ya baby girl! <3

You had decided to hang back and work a bit more on your guy's current case tonight. Looking back at your notepad, which you had been keeping important details on as you read and scanned the file multiple times, you read over it. In the course of six weeks, the Unsub had killed ten women, each with (y/h/c) and (y/e/c) and they all were high up in social status. They all were single women, had very important and well paying jobs and were all tortured and burned before dumped by a local lake.  

After reaching for your coffee and realizing the mug was empty, you finally sighed and closed the case file, needing to go home and sleep. You straightened out your desk, rinsed out your mug and grabbed your things, heading down the elevator and out the door. You made sure that the doors of the building were latched and locked before walking to your car. Once you got to your car, you set down your stuff and fumbled around with your keys. Suddenly, something whacked you in the back of the head.

And all went black. 


"Hotch wants us to all meet in the conference room for another briefing to try and get this case solved."

Everyone nodded at JJ and began to pick up their case files. The whole team walked up to the conference room, chatting happily the whole way there and each sat down in their respective chairs. After a while, Hotch looked around, confused. 

"Where's (y/n)?" JJ asked, noticing Hotch's look and looking around herself. The whole team looked to your chair, only to find it empty. 

"(Y/n) hasn't shown up to work in an hour," Morgan said, realizing that you should have been here a while ago. "She never does something like that, no matter how tired she is. Something is wrong." 

Reid's eyes widened looking over to the case board. "I just noticed that the Unsub targets women with the same hair and eye color as (y/n). She has a high social status, considering her well paying job at the FBI... I think that the Unsub might've took her."


You woke up to thick, cold air and the musty smell of old blood. Your face cringed in pain as you tried to move your wrists and feet but they were raw with rope burns from being tied up. You were tied up to a post, hands over your head, neck and stomach tied to the post and feet tied together. Tears started to stream down your face. If your profile was right, then this Unsub killed within the first twenty four hours of his abductions. You had no idea how long you had been here. When you heard the sound of a door opening, you quickly quieted your soft sobs and looked over to the stairs to see a physically fit man, about six two coming down the stairs. You were mortified to see a whip and a branding stick in his hand. You tried your best not to squirm.

"Ahh, the princess is awake."

He stepped away and grabbed the branding tool, walking over to a little stove you had not noticed before. He stuck the brander in, smiling devilishly as he turned it around and around and it glowed a bright yellow orange. You were going to get branded by this sick monster and you could do nothing about it. You started to cry again.

"Don't worry, this will only take a second and you're mine," he hissed and walked over to you. You could feel the heat from the brander, just inches away fro your stomach. He lifted up your shirt ever so slightly to expose your stomach. With his face inches from yours, he started to move the tool closer and closer to you. 


You turned and saw Morgan and the rest of the team, guns drawn and pointed at the Unsub. All he did was smile and push the brander deep into your stomach. You gritted your teeth and let out a yelp before your body went limp, blackness threatening to surround you. Hotch fired the gun and the Unsub dropped dead on the floor, the tool still in his hands. It dropped on your exposed feet and legs and you let out the most pathetic cry ever before Morgan rushed over and picked up the tool. 

"I need a medic!" He yelled. As Hotch and Rossi took care of the Unsub, Reid rushed upstairs to inform JJ and Prentiss that the Unsub was dead and grab a medic. Morgan surveyed your body as he untied the many ropes restraining you. You were still dressed in yesterday's work attire and he cringed notcing your burned feet/legs and the brand mark in your stomach. He cried as he ran his hand over it gingerly.


He looked up to your barely conscience face. He smiled as tears began to spill out of his eyes from your pain. "Yeah, baby girl?"

"I love you."

"I love you too, (y/n), and I promise nothing else will happen to you." He untied the last rope and you fell into his arms, wrapping your arms around his neck. He wrapped one arm around your waist and pulled you in, cupping the back of your head with the other. He silently let you cry out all those tears. After you had quieted, he pulled you back and kissed your burns, each one multiple times and you tried your best to smile through tears of pain. 

"There is something way more interesting up here," you reply sarcastically.

"You're right," he said standing up. He cupped your face and kissed you gently and suddenly you felt all better again. The two of you continued kissing until the paramedics arrived and took you away from him. Morgan watched sadly as you were taken away from him but knew that you were going to be okay, and right now that was all that mattered. 

"I love you, (y/n)."


Word Count: 1000

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