Spencer x Reader

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Imagine: You and Spencer have been trying for a baby for the three years you have been married and have had no luck. JJ suggests a very unexpected idea to the pair of you.


JJ smiled at me and bobbed her blonde head up and down. I just stood there in confusion. My brain had never thought of that before. Adoption ...

I could make it work.

The early morning chatter of the reglular customers at Madam Blue's Coffee Shop echoed off the tall concrete walls in the spacious room. JJ sipped her hot Cinnamon Chainog in my silence.

Adoption ... Me and my husband of three years, FBI Agent Spencer Reid, have been trying for a baby ever since we got married. We had always talked about starting a family, considering our love for children, but so far ... Our wish hasn't come true yet. Every pregnancy test showed up negative and every time we would get discouraged but would always try again. Ending up with the same results.

"Well ... I mean it isn't the same as bearing your own child but you still get to love a child and make them a part of you and your home," JJ said.

I unclasped a hand from my cold iced Christmas Morning Chai and layed my chin in it.

"Well I mean I can make it work. That's a wonderful idea JJ," I stated. "I would have to talk to Spencer though and see what his ideas are about it."

"Well that is totally understandable honestly. I just think that if its not working either you should see a doctor or adopt a child."

Doctor. I sighed. "I have an appointment next week with Dr. Collier."

JJ smiled. "That's good. Maybe he'll be able to help you."

I sighed and grabbed my bag. "Lets hope so. I gotta run. I have a house to clean and a husband to feed soon."

JJ laughed and stood up out of her chair. "Spencer looks like he doesn't even eat much."

I scoffed. "Oh boy why dont you come over for dinner some night. You won't get any if you let him serve first!"

The two of us laughed and said our goodbyes and I headed out of the coffee shop. The cold December wind bit at my face and I pulled my warm, red coat around me. Spencer would be up soon. It was his day off of work and on his days of, his usual rise-and-shine was at nine o'clock sharp. I had planned to make breakfast for him. Maybe we could talk over adoption during breakfast. I sped up my walking, eager to present this idea to him.


I woke to the smell of eggs and bacon and my body shivered. God it smelled so good. I loved it when (Y/N) cooked. She was the most amazing chef ever. She could cook anything and make it taste like heaven. Ugh thinking about it makes me hungry.

Although I loved it when I came down to a nice plate of breakfast on the kitchen island, I would much rather wake up with my beautiful wife right beside me. I threw off the covers and tousled my messy hair in the mirror. I needed a haircut. It was almost longer than (Y/N)'s hair!

After throwing out a pair of sweatpants and a fresher t-shirt, I hopped down short and spacious hallway leading to the main part of our apartment. I looked down what seemed like memory lane. The picture from where I first met (Y/N) at a Psych Class, her holding a boquet of flowers and a nice little sign reading "Mickey needs Minney like Pooh needs his Honey, and like I need you" when I first asked her out, our first date at a diner in downtown D.C, the day I proposed to her in front of her favorite place in the entire world (the open plains of North Dakota, and our wedding day. I smiled looking deeply at each picture I passed. I love her so much.

(Y/N) smiled at me as I emerged from the hallway with a bright and sleepy smile on my face. She sauntered over to me and I placed a long kiss on her lips.

"I love youuuuuu." She drug out. I tickled her.

"I love you more." She giggled and motioned for me to sit down at the island.

"I have coffee cake in the oven. It's about done."

"Mmm you know just what I like," I said. "What do you want."

She turned around from the fridge, where she was grabbing the carton of orange juice. She furrowed her eyebrows.

"Nothing I just was in the chef mood today."

"(Y/N) I am a profiler. There is no way you got up that early, left the house for an hour and come back only to make my favorite breakfast and pretend like nothings wrong."

She sighed and sat down beside me, laying the OJ carton aside. "Well eat first of all I didn't make it for nothing," she chuckled quietly.

I picked up the silver fork that lied next to my vibrant plate. "OK then tell me whats up."

"So you know how we've been trying for a baby, and how nothing has been working."

"Yes," I sighed sadly and shoved a forkfull of eggs into my mouth.

"Well I made an appointment with Dr. Collier next week because I think something is wrong."

I dropped the piece of bacon back on my plate. "(Y/N) ..."

"Not like Im hurt just ... There might be something that's preventing me from having a baby."

I chewed a strip off the bacon piece and furrowed my brows. "I guess that could be a possibility ... But why the big breakfast for this?"

"Well I was wondering that if ... we can never have a baby of our own if you would consider ..."


"Adoption ... ?"

I looked at (Y/N) for a long time. I thought of her at the doctor's, devasted at recieving news she could never bear a child. I imagined her struck with grief at this loss ... But I also imagined how happy she would be at having a child. Even if it wasn't truly hers. I smiled at her and gave her a big, long kiss.

"Of course."


Hey guys!

Sorry for being so long to update. I'm trying to figure out things and up my time management. I promise I will try and update more frequently!

~ Maddie :)


Word Count: 1092

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