Derek Morgan x Reader (Pt. 2)

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"I can't hear her. There's nothing coming from her earpiece ..." He looked at Derek, his eyes showing true fear. "Oh no."  


"Prentiss, Reid, JJ, Rossi," Derek almost yelled into his mic. "There isn't anything coming from (y/n)'s mic. I think either the Unsub found out her identity and took the earpiece off or else ... he's already gotten to her. Can anyone see anything of her outside?"

"It's clear on our end," Reid and Prentiss said, who were stationed at the back door.

"Same over here," Rossi said, who was keeping watch on one of the side doors with JJ.

"Alright, (y/n) is in danger," Hotch said urgently. "JJ, I need you to get your dress from the back of your vehicle and slide it on as fast as you can. Derek, you are already dressed to impress. I want you and JJ to go in together and see what you can spot, alright?

Derek nodded and grabbed his suit jacket and tie, jumping out of the car. He threw the jacket on and tied the red tie around the collar of his black button down in record speed. He came around to Hotch's side of the car and stared at the flashing lights of Elixer's Nightclub, resisting the urge to run straight into the building to find you.

Pretty soon, JJ came running up (as fast as she could in her heels anyways) slipped into a modern, black, lacy, long-sleeved dress with white heels and two ankle bracelets on each ankle. She was pulling half of her hair up on top of her head and fumbling with her earrings.

"I think that was the fastest I've ever gotten ready," she said, smoothing everything out.

"Great, now let's go," Derek said eagerly. JJ slipped an arm through Derek's and they strode like a loaded couple right up to the doors of Elixer's.

Derek, like the gentleman he was supposed to be, opened the door and led JJ into the crowd of lightly dressed dancers. The smell of alcohol was strong in the air and people were stumbling around everywhere. He strained a smile and pushed passed the crowd of dancers and over to the bar, where it was less crowded.

JJ looked up at him, opened her mouth dramatically and put her pinkies in her ears. Derek smiled and nodded. The music was up at max volume and there were tons of people talking and laughing. Derek stuck two fingers up to his eyes and then back out into the crowd and JJ nodded. The pair looked all around but couldn't find anything from where they were standing. Derek turned back to JJ.

"Alright we're going to have to do something different," he yelled over the music. "JJ, you go and find someone, a guy or a girl I don't care, explain our situation and ask if you can pretend to be with them for the night alright? We have to split up, it's our only option. I'm going to go pose as a bouncer. That way I can spot him if he tries to leave."

"Alright. Be careful," JJ said.

"Keep your earpiece up loud and make sure your mic is on. If you spot him, use bingo, alright? I heard (y/n) say it earlier before her earpiece went off so I know that she either spotted him or was with him or something."

JJ nodded and headed off into the crowd. Derek looked around at the doors and noticed that the side door in which Rossi was guarding was close to a bathroom. There was no one there so he decided to pull out his sunglasses and stand by the door. If he had done something to you, he most likely would have done it near here or in the bathrooms in order to take cover. Derek put on his sunglasses and stood with a stern face in front of the door, feet shoulder width apart and hands crossed in front of him.

Derek stood there anxiously for ten minutes, only receiving word that JJ had met a guy named Lance, who was coincidentally a police officer, and was moving around the nightclub. Still no sign of you. Derek was getting more and more worried. That was until something amazing happened.

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