Aaron Hotchner x Reader

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This is for @Ladyry57, who was in need of this book and I am happy to give it to her. <3 It is dedicated to one of my favorite people here on Wattpad. She writes such amazing one shots and just books in general. Go check out her account and read her books. I luv ya!

"Hey guys, we have a case and it is off-the-charts bad," Penelope Garcia said as the ball of color waddled up on the observation deck. You, Rossi, Morgan, Reid, Hotch and Prentiss all looked up at her. JJ walked up behind Garcia.

"Ya guys," she said, confirming Garcia's statement. "We need you all in here ... now. I would like to brief this asap and then get to downtown Quantico as quickly as we can get ourselves there."

The whole team nodded and proceeded to the conference room. Reid and Rossi were conversing about one of Rossi's books, Morgan walked with you and Hotch hung behind the pairs. He stared at the back of your body and could feel his insides bubble when he saw Morgan flirting with you. He had no idea why his brain was acting this way, but he knew one thing: he needed to stop it before it got in the way of this case.

Hotch shoved down all feelings of emotion and stormed passed the pair of you and into the conference room doors. When Morgan got bumped slightly into the wall, you and Morgan stared at each other and back up to the conference room doors.

"Well someone pissed in his breakfast," Morgan mumbled.

"I wonder what is going on with him this morning,"you said.

"I don't know, (y/n), but we better get in there before something else happens."

You nodded in agreement and walked into the conference room doors where everyone was sitting in their respective seats. You smiled apologetically for coming in a bit later and took your seat between Prentiss and Morgan. The whole time JJ was briefing, Morgan had his arm on the back of your chair and Hotch's eyes on you guys. You brushed it off, not wanting to let it distract you, but still wanted to ask him about it after.

"Okay so basically we are looking for a male, mid to late thirties who was abused by his mother in the past. Therefore, not having a great relationship with women, he believes all women are bad/evil and he wants them gone," Morgan's voice said, jumping you out of you thoughts. Morgan looked at you quizzically.

"Something wrong, Baby Girl?" he asked, rubbing your arm. The whole team glared back at you and you caught Hotch's concerned stare. You quickly tore your eyes away.

"Yeah, everything is alright."

"You sure?"

"Yeah, Morgan. Don't worry about me. I am a big girl."

"My big baby girl," he smiled. Hotch's stare was back on Morgan, this time way more intense."

"Wheels up in ten," Hotch said bitterly and dismissed the team. "Agent (y/l/n), can I talk to you in my office for a second?"

You looked up at him, not at all surprised, and nodded, picking up your case file and following him out the door. He held open his office door for you and you hesitantly stepped in. He closed the door and latched it tightly.

"(Y/n)," He paused and opened his mouth to say something more, but he quickly shut it. You saw him shake his head and return his gaze back to you. "Is everything alright? When Morgan spoke, you seemed frightened."

"Oh, sir, everything is alright, I assure you. I guess I was just thinking too hard and Morgan's close proximity made the voice loud enough to spook me out of my thoughts."

"That's good. I was ... concerned. But everything is alright." He shot you a pointed look with his head slightly tilted to one side.

You nodded. "Sir?" He glanced questioningly at you. "Is everything alright with you? You seemed ... angry this morning when you stormed into the conference room. Not to intrude or anything but-"

"(Y/n), when-"

"Hotch!" Reid burst open the door, panting and out of breath. "We've got an Unsub. Police identify him as Mark Willis, age thirty-five. He was abused by his mother all throughout adolescence and his mother died a week ago. That was the trigger. But Hotch ... we've got him standing smack dab in the center of downtown Quantico with a gun to his head, a victim held hostage and a bomb that's set to detonate in thirty minutes."

"Get the team together and get them in the SUVs as fast as you can Reid," Hotch said and grabbed his gun and vest from beside his desk. "Let's go, Agent (y/l/n). Grab your vest and your gun and let's go."


"It's nothing, (y/n)." With that, he rushed out of his door and you followed, running as fast as your black heeled combat boots would allow you. You slid over to your desk, pulling on the navy blue bulletproof vest over your fitted black top with three quarter sleeves and holstered your gun. You ran outside with the others.

"Reid, and (y/l/n). Come with me. Prentiss, Morgan and JJ go in the other SUV," Hotch barked out. "Let's go! We have twenty minutes to get this guy, this hostage and everyone else out alive."

Everyone nodded and ran to their respective places. On the way to the SUV, you could feel Morgan's sad stare lingering after you. You brushed it off and hopped in the back. Before you and Reid could shut your doors, Hotch was tearing out of the parking lot with the sirens on, headed to downtown.


Word Count: 931

(Part two coming soon!)

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