Derek Morgan x Reader

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¡Hola amigos!

¿Como estas? Está bien. 😂 Anyways, I am here at school at 6:45 this wonderful Monday morning and literally have nothing to do until eight so ... I thought I would write another chapter because I literally FINALLY have some free time! So, let's dig into this chocolate thunder stuff, hmm? 


"I cannot BE-LIEVEEEE that you- oh my god I can't! *snort* I just cannnnt right now with youuuuu-"

"Alright Garcia take it, easy sister," I laughed as her sweet vanilla blonde locks drooped over my face and shoulders. Her sweet bubbly voice laughed uncontrollably with the bottle of Scotch in her hands. She threw her arms limply around me and squashed me in her spare roller chair. 

"I loveee youuuuu," she whispered forcefully as she pinched both of my cheeks, daring to smear my ruby red lipstick all over them. "You know that? I. LOVE. YOU."

"I kn-oh my god ... I knooow you do Garcia," I struggled to get out as I pushed her back into her office chair. "I know that and we can love each other from afar, okay?"

"Okay. Okayyyy," she said is a small, sad voice. 

Garcia had decided that we needed a girls night together since we had not been able to spend so much time together. Honestly, I was ecstatic for the idea and showed up in my ruby red mini dress that matched my lipstick, and curls that looked perfect but took HOURS to do. She did not mention that a girls night would not be out in a bar somewhere, but rather in her cozy lair, with takeout and two bottles of Scotch Rossi happily provided. No wonder he smirked at me when I met him on his way out of the office. It was his plan in the making to make my night a little more difficult than it needed to be. 

Garcia let out a big, overly-dramatic gasp. She looked at me with the widest eyes and her long nailed hands rapidly tapped my arms. 

"(Y/N)! Oh my GOSHHHHHH!"

"What?!" I tried to stifle a laugh but Garcia's cheeky grin and wide eyes caused me to fail. 

"Okay okay I just KNOWWW I just know you know? I just know that-"

"-my baby girl's the bestest and sweetest momma there is around?"

Garcia and I both turned around to see Derek Morgan standing in the doorway of the layer in a fitted white tshirt that hugged his amazing body and the same pair of black jeans he wore everyday to work. I could feel Garcia's drool dribble onto my bare arm (theoretically of course) and I sighed, unable to hold back the shake that took over my head. Morgan flashed his pearly whites.

"Oh baby do I know," Garcia growled out and he laughed.

"Ohhh yes baby girl. Hey sugar why you so dressed up?"

I shrugged and ran my fingers over the small strap on my shoulder. "Well your baby girl offered a girls night but I thought it would be out not in."

Garcia gave another drunken snort. "Hey I got the alcohol here honey you should be thaaanking me." We all laughed.

Out of my peripheral vision, I couldn't help but lock onto Morgan. The way he stood hovering against the doorway showed confidence and power. His leg carefully positioned across the other provided a sense of laxation and care-free spirit, something Derek never lacked. His smile overtook the world's most precious treasures and the way his chocolate mocha irises gloomed with a spark just melted all of your worries away.

"Well I'll let my mamas get to it. I'll be in my office if you need anything. Holla!"

He smacked the doorway and with one last flash of the infamous white, he left me and Garcia alone once again. Garcia gave out a playful catty growl and grabbed the Scotch. We both busted out laughing as I took my freshly refilled glass to my lips.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20, 2020 ⏰

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