Aaron Hotchner x Reader

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Yes! Another one of my favorites! I love Hotch. He is my absolute favorite. I am so sorry. I am terrible at updating I know. I am trying harder now that my schedule allows more time. Definitely will be writing over Christmas Break, which starts this Friday! Anyways, onto the story!


"(Y/N)! Just get up! It's not that hard."


"Why not?"

"I'm hibernating."

"Sweetheart ... it's not that cold out. And you're not an animal!"

"I can be what I want to be!"

"(Y/N) ... We have work today."


"Come on just get out of bed!"

"Do we need to get you hearing aids?"

I pulled down the bed sheets to peep out at my stern-faced husband. One of his giant bear claws was covering his forehead and his eyes on his shaking head. I hid my smile beneath the heated covers. I loved playing games with my fake stubbornness. It is not easy for me to be stubborn. I am a rule follower. So why do I play these games?

Because it makes my husband smile. 

Not often does he smile. But if anyone can make him smile ... it's me. His eyes were suddenly revealed as his claw slipped off his face and out in front of him. Those dark pools, filled with amusement, glanced down to the small surface and checked the time. 

"(Y/N) can I put this into perspective?" Hotch asked. 

I groaned. "Whaaaat?"

"It's seven thirty right as of ... now."

"Oh god ..." I flipped off the covers, now fully alert and ready. We have to be at the BAU office by eight. To get through early morning rush hour to Quantico takes about ten minutes. Which means I had twenty minutes to fix ... oh my. 

I looked in the mirror and what I saw was not the best. My hair, curled from late night date night the night before, was now frizzy and in uneven waves. My eyes even looked tired and sunken and I needed a shower. There was no way I could do all of this in twenty minutes!

I heard Hotch laughing from the other room. "Sorry honey! Not my fault you stayed in bed. I rolled my eyes and started grabbing a towel from the cupboard as I watched my husband walk into the room, freshly ready but still in a t-shirt and sweats. As I got up from the floor with my towel in hand. he came up and wrapped his arms around my waist. 

"I'm all ready, but another shower couldn't hurt you know ..."

I smiled into his face and kissed it slowly.  "I'll grab another towel then."


"Good morning everyone! Sadly, today is not a chillax type of day," Garcia stated sadly as she stood up from her conference chair and stood next to the board. 

She clicked the remote and three graphic images of blistered and scarred boys popped up on the screen. You almost gagged at the site of these boys. Every inch of their body was covered in blisters, burns, and bruises and their skin was shriveled. You could see the rest of the team grimace along with you, including Garcia, who would not look towards the board in any way possible. 

"These boys are fifteen-year-old Tommy Enklemier, seventeen-year-old Adrien Michael and sixteen-year-old Damien Rivera. Tommy was found last Friday in a ditch near I-25 in Denver, Adrien on Tuesday behind a local downtown Denver bar and Damien was found yesterday near an oil drill by local police."

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