Aaron Hotchner x Reader (Pt. 2)

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You flung open your door before the car even stopped and unholstered your gun, running up to the area where the Unsub was. He was standing right in the intersection of Main and 23rd Street and a crowd of people stood terrified for their lives all around him. You heard Hotch yelling at you but drowned him out and stood there with your gun pointed at him. The rest of the team ran up behind you and all of you stood in a line, guns pointed at the Unsub. Hotch stepped forwards.

"Mark Willis, Agent Hotchner from the FBI. We just want to talk with you."

"You cant talk but I can't guarantee that will change anything." He tightened his grip on a girl, probably late twenties with her eyes wide open in fear.

"Mark Willis, I am Agent (y/f/n) (y/l/n). I'm going to put my gun away, okay?" You holstered the gun and watched as Morgan and Hotch glared at you.


"Okay, my gun is put down, see?" you said, ignoring Hotch's warning and putting your hands up in the air. He loosened his grip on the girl and you took a step forwards. "I want you to let go of the girl, okay? She is just a young girl and has done nothing wrong to you."

"But she will do something wrong to another," Willis spat.

"No she wont. She just wants to live her life and not hurt anybody, okay? She is not your mother. She will not hurt you. I won't hurt you. Just let the girl go and we can talk."

His hold loosened once again and he angrily shoved the girl away. She stumbled and then tore off for the crowd. The man watched angrily as she tore away and you snapped your fingers.

"Here. Willis, look at me." You took another step forwards and whipped his head around and stumbled back.

"Don't move another step or I'll detonate this bomb!" He screamed.

"(Y/n), step back here," Hotch said sternly. All of the sudden, he felt very weird and looked back to see Willis smiling devilishly at you. He strode in front of you and whispered in your ears. "Step behind me ... now." You did as you were told but made no move to unholster your gun.

"I'll make you guys a deal," Willis said. "You give me the girl, I give you the bomb."

"No! You sic-" Morgan rushed up forcefully but Reid held him back. 

"Shut up Morgan," Reid mumbled. You'll make it worse.

"No, sorry we will not give you the girl." Hotch said, angered. Rage was boiling at a very high temperature in his body right now. There was no way that this guy would take (y/n) ... over his dead body.

"Oh really? How come? You are the leader of your team, you would do anything to protect them. Heck, she has only worked there three months, the rest of your team three years. She is a rookie ... why should you sacrifice another highly skilled team member more valuable than a rookie?"

Hotch lowered his gun, infuriated at the mention of you being titled as a rookie and as a sacrifice. "(Y/n) is the best member on our team. She has done outstanding work for us and have help us catch bastards sicker than you are!" You stepped back the tiniest bit at the anger and venom laced tone in his voice. "Never will this woman be a rookie or a sacrifice to this team. She is above all of us. Truth is, I love (y/n) ... so much that I'm too afraid to tell her. So you can take her if you want ... but over my dead body."

You stood behind him, taken aback at what had just come out of his mouth. You had no idea that Aaron Hotchner, of all people, loved you. Tears filled your eyes at his statement and he looked back and smiled at you. Morgan just stood there, still in Reid's grasp, dumbfounded. He had been flirting with you all the time, making sure to make it noticeable so no one would try and take you from him. Too late. 

"Oh that was such a nice speech. Too bad it took up the two minutes you had left to live."

You saw Willis smile evilly and you realized ... the bomb was about to detonate. You ran as fast as you could past Hotch and up to Willis. Hotch yelled your name and followed after you but you were already almost to Willis. Just then Hotch stopped running as he heard a faint, rapid beeping. 


Just then there was a huge blast and Hotch fell to the pavement.


Hotch woke up to smoke clouding him and Morgan's frantic voice calling his name. He groaned as his ears rang and his whole body was numb. He reached up and felt blood coming from the side of his head. What the heck happened? After a couple minutes of thinking, he remembered Mark Willis, (y/n) rushing up to him and then a huge blast. Oh my god. 


Right as he got up, his head spinning, Morgan coughed his way through the smoke and grabbed Hotch by the suit jacket and pulled him back towards the entire crowd. The both coughed and stumbled back and met Reid, JJ, Prentiss and Rossi, all of which were unharmed by the blast. Morgan had been cut by flying shrapnel after he realized that the bomb was going to detonate and running after you last minute. Hotch tugged away from Morgan. 

"Where is (y/n)?" The whole team stared back behind his shoulder. "She didn't come yet?!" 

Hotch stood there for a moment before yelling at the rest of the team to call an ambulance and running as fast as he could through the smoke back to where he last remembered you standing. His heart started to race fast. You were so close to Willis before the bomb detonated and so far there was no sign of you. Soon a breeze came up and lifted most of the smoke away and that's when Aaron Hotchner saw you ... 

... about fifty feet away from where you were standing, crumpled up on the ground and every inch of skin red with blood. 

He ran up to you and saw your eyes closed and pieces of large glass and bomb pieces sticking up from your exposed arms. He reached down and felt your neck and turned back to the team, now being able to see them. 

"I need a medic! She's not breathing!" he yelled. He turned back you and rolled you from your side to your back and brushed your long (y/h/c) out of your face. He had just confessed his love for you, something he had wanted to do for such a long time and here you were ... lifeless in the middle of the street. 

When he looked back frantically to see the ambulance stuck trying to get through to you, he started CPR on you. When after fifteen minutes there was nothing from you, he thought all hope was lost. He could see his tears falling over your still body as he pumped up and down on your chest. Finally he heard you cough ad splutter. He sighed in relief. You opened your eyes and squinted up at him. 

"Did you-"

"Shh," Aaron said. "You need to stay quiet and save your energy."

"No Aaron-" You coughed violently and rolled on your side into a fetal position, your whole body racking and hurting. You whimpered in pain and looked down at your raw arms. "Aaron," you cried. 

He picked you up bridal style and carried you off to the ambulance, who was obvioulsy not getting anywhere at the moment. "Shh sweetheart I'm going to get you to an ambulance."

"Did you mean what you said?" you asked weakly. He looked down at you and you both felt tears slip out of your eyes.  

"Every bit of it, (y/n). Every single breath and word and syllable ... I meant it."

"I love you Aaron Hotchner."

"I love you, (y/f/n) (y/l/n). So much." 

And then he lifted you up and kissed you passionately before you slipped out of consciousness again. 


Word Count: 1376

Sorry it was long but hope you liked it 

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