A VERY Merry Christmas Special (Pt. 2)

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Holy hell guys!

Wattpad is being a butt and troubleshooting everything! So now you are probably going to get this a couple days later than originally planned because it won't cooperate. *sigh* Hope you are still in the Christmas mood when you read this! (BTW thanks for 4.9k reads!)

Get reading!

~~~~~                                                  ~~~~~

  C   H   R   I   S   T   M   A   S        D   A   Y 

~~~~~                                                  ~~~~~


"Wake up, wake up, wake up!"

I groaned as I was awoken from a rather pleasant dream by Jack's tiny little feet running carelessly around our bed, sometimes stepping on parts of my numb body. I wonder if Jack had gotten into the candy this morning without us noticing ... Man, this kid was hyper. I pulled back the warm covers, my eyes still closed, and stretched my arms out high above my head. I could tell that right now, my mood was loving and regretting being a mother at the same time. 

All I saw was a dark room when my eyes finally gathered the strength to open. I gave a questioning look and turned around to my bedside table. 6:27 am. I looked back up to see Jack hovering over me with the biggest grin a boy could fit on his face. Looking back at the alarm clock and him several times, I gave up, smiled and grabbed the boy, cuddling him close to my chest. He squirmed as I kissed his face a million times. 

"Good morning Jack."

"I made sure to wake you up bright and early so we wouldn't miss Christmas," he stated triumphantly. 

I sighed and shook my head. "Thank you very much, Jack. Now we won't miss Christmas."

Just then, a small noise came out of my sleepy husband's mouth that sounded like a groan mixed with a snore. Jack and I both looked from him to each other and giggled. 

"Why don't we wake up Daddy together?" I whispered. 

"Good plan," Jack whispered very seriously to me. 

"Should we wake him up now or go grab Lyric first?"

"I think he needs a good Christmas Special Wake Up Day from everyone, including Lyric," Jack said.

"I think that's a good idea. Let's go wake Lyric up."

Team Daddy Wake Up climbed out of bed very carefully and tiptoed down the hall to grab my son out of his crib. Jack opened the door to the nursery and we found Lyric bright and happy, despite the early hour, bouncing in his crib. I beamed at my little boy and picked him up. 

"Alright baby Lyric, guess what we have to do?"

"We have to give Daddy a special wake up," Jack said. 

Lyric smiled and clapped his tiny hands together, saying that he was all in for this plan. So, with Baby in hands, we all tiptoed down the hallway to Hotch and I's room and stood at the end of the bed. Jack looked up at me for instructions as I smiled at my husband. He was sleeping so peacefully and looked freakishly cute with his messed up hair and stubble. 

"Okay," I said, bouncing Lyric up and down. "First of all, great job Lyric for being extra quiet. Second of all, on the count of three, we're gonna walk up beside Daddy and yell Merry Christmas Daddy! Then we all pounce on him and give giant hugs."

"That sounds amazing!" Jack forcefully whispered.

"Alright," I said quietly. "1 ... 2 ... 3!"


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