Derek Morgan x Reader (Pt. 3)

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"This is why you don't mess with FBI Special Agents."


He grabbed Scott by the shirt and shoved him over to Lance, who brought out a pair handcuffs and threw them on Scott's wrists. Scott's face was a mixture of anger and disbelief at what had just happened. After all, he didn't really expect to find a man outside blocking his escape and have it be a Supervisory Special agent from the FBI.

JJ called in the rest of the team and they had all began to shut down the nightclub due to the current events. Derek, however, got down on his knees and stroked your silky (h/c) tresses. He noticed that you smelled like very strong alcohol but knew that you would never drink irresponsibly on a case, no matter the circumstances. He brushed that thought aside and picked you up off the cold, tile floor, setting you on a gurney which had just rolled in from outside. He watched as you were wheeled out of the small bathroom and the side door into the cold night. Derek mentally hit himself repeatedly, heartbroken knowing he had let you come in here to handle this Unsub alone.

"Hey, she'll be alright," JJ said, putting a reassuring hand on his shoulder.

"I shouldn't have let her go in alone," Derek said, sighing putting a hand on his forehead.

JJ nodded and there was a moment of silence between the two. "Would you like me to drive you to the hospital?"

Derek shook his head. "I want the rest of you to go on over to the hospital and see her. I'm going to go have a nice little chat that twisted SOB down at the station."


"I don't need anybody. I'm flying solo for a little while. Just need some time to process and think about tonight."

JJ nodded and patted his shoulder, heartbroken herself that just moments ago, they were talking about how Derek would be perfect with you. How they would love to witness the moment when Derek finally confessed that he liked you. Hear all about what you guys did on your first date and the love in each of your eyes as you told the story. Stand around Derek as he knelt down on one knee in front of you and pulled out a velvet box, opening it to reveal a stunning diamond ring. Be groomsmen and bridesmaids standing behind you as you share your first kiss as husband and wife. Gossip with you about pregnancy struggles and the anticipation for your little look-a-likes to come. Giggle as they watched you and Derek chasing little pairs of feet all around. 

"Hey guys," she said, as she walked up to the team. "Derek's pretty shaken right now and his blaming himself for what happened."

"Well that's not how the story was supposed to end," Rossi said. "None of that was supposed to happen. The Unsub switched MOs on us. There was no way we were prepared for that."

"Yeah. But that's not going to make Derek feel any better. He's going down to the station to interview this freak."

"I'll go with him," Hotch said, turning around. JJ stopped him by laying a firm hand on his shoulder. 

"He wants to be alone. I would suggest that we leave him."

"What about (y/n)? I would think he would be the first person down to that hospital," Reid said. 

"I think that Derek just can't face the fact that he was the one who led this to happen to (y/n), so instead of facing the consequences from his choices, he is trying his best to push them away," Prentiss stated. 

"Well Derek said that we should all head down to the hospital to check up on her. We can at least do that for him," JJ sighed. The whole team nodded and walked out of the foul smelling nightclub, each member thinking of Derek and hoping that he was going to be okay.

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