Spencer x Reader

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Imagine: A newbie trying to prove yourself to the team, you work too hard and Spencer notices. Afraid that you will turn into Hotch, he takes you over to his house to let you sleep. But when he finds out what had just happened in your life, he is there for you ... in a more than a friend way. 


Spencer looked over from his desk and saw you hunched over, rubbing your eyes and yawning. Glancing up at the clock, he realized it was about eleven pm and that meant that you needed to go home. Spencer didn't know why you worked yourself so hard. He understood that you were the newest member of the team and that you wanted to prove yourself, but everyone on the team loved you and knew that you did great things. You just didn't know that yet. 

Spencer slid on his coat and pulled his satchel over his shoulder, shutting off his computer and walking over to you. You had not moved since Spencer last saw you. so he knew you were asleep. As much as he didn't want to do it, Spencer gently shook your shoulder. You jerked awake, almost falling out of your chair. 

"(Y/n), it's almost eleven at night. You need to go home," Spencer told you gently. 

You rubbed your eyes and pushed your hair out of your face. "Spencer, I still have work to do. I just need another coffee and I'll be alright." 

You bent down and picked up your heels, sliding them back on your feet. Grabbing your coffee cup, you stood up to head to the break room. Before you could take a step, a gentle hand grabbed your arm and pried the cup out of your hands. Too tired to fight back, you let Spencer set your cup back on the desk and grab your bag. 


"Uh uh. No arguing. I am taking you back to your place to help you get some sleep okay?"

Not able to say anything else, Spencer put one of his long arms around your shoulders and led you to the elevator. The whole way down, Spencer never moved his arm, almost as it he was afraid that you would run off. There was really no way you could. As tired as you really were, you would just look like a drunk woman, stumbling around in black heels, a navy mini skirt and a white blouse. You didn't really want that. 

The elevator beeped and Spencer led you over to the receptionist to check both of you out. The elderly receptionist on the night shift smiled at the pair of you while she ran through the sheets to find the BAU one. You watched tiredly as she went down the list, checking both yours and Spencer's names off and writing down the time. 

"Late night?" she asked. 

"I'm afraid so," you mumbled. The receptionist nodded and placed the BAU sheet back in it's respectful slot. She took your hand and patted it. 

"I'm really sorry about your father, dearie."

"Thank you Matilda," you told the woman and she bid you goodnight. 

Spencer led you out to his car, all the while wondering what the lady meant by her father. He had noticed that lately your mood had been down and that you were working extra late and coming in early. He would ask you about that later, but right now he knew you needed to get to sleep. You were already stumbling under his arm and Spencer felt really bad for not taking you out earlier. 

As you guys came up to the Volvo Amazon, Spencer unlocked his hand from your shoulder and helped you climb into the front seat. After setting both of your bags in the trunk, he slid in the driver's side to ask you your address, only to find you asleep. He smiled and decided not to wake you a second time, and instead drove off to his house. 

Once he got to his apartment in D.C, you were still very much asleep after the whole thirty minute car ride. He didn't mind and gently slid you out of the passengers seat, carrying you bridal style through the doors of the apartment complex. The friendly receptionist smiled at Spencer and gave a flirty wink before realizing your limp figure in his arms. She scowled, obviously jealous. 

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