Fake smiles Z.K

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"It's like the more I try the less I feel,
In desperate need of something real"

Zion was broken. He was heartbroken. He was confused. He was a mess. He was all over the place and didn't know how to cope at all. After 2 days, he finally broke down.

The 'love of his life'. The girl of his dreams had been cheating on him with one of his best friends and Zion felt like a fool, a fool because he was so in love with her and she didn't care about him. She was using him for fame.

He didn't know what to do with himself. He'd done everything. He'd hit stuff he'd threw stuff he'd screamed he'd done it all. But the big smile on his face had soon vanished and there sat a broken boy, who didn't know what to do at all.

"Why lately I ain't been the same,
And why I try so hard to hide this pain"

He didn't want anyone to know. He was meant to be the strong one, the fearless one but the one thing he did fear was love, and now it had left him in pieces.

For the past 2 days he had gone off all social medias, he had not spoken to his fans or family and missed all of his rehearsals. He couldn't face anyone except his band mates who were trying to help him but he just couldn't.

Everyone knew she was using him but he was so in love with her he couldn't see it. Every girl he loved had screwed him over. What was wrong with him. Why him?

He asked himself questions constantly.why couldn't he be loved? Why wasn't he good enough? But he had to hide his pain, he had to have a smile on his face, but such a huge smile with such sad eyes, they just didn't match up.

"I search but I Can't ever find,
Can't seem to leave my past behind"

He was trying so hard to forget about her. He couldn't. And he certainly couldn't let her know that.

He was trying to move on but one thing he struggled with was letting his past go and trying to focus on the future.

"Cause all the ones I hope would stay,
Are all the ones that fade away"

He thought she was The one. He thought she was the one for him. He thought they would be together forever but he was wrong and he felt pathetic. He felt stupid for being so in love with her.

Every good person in his life had fucked him over, everyone was against him and he had no clue why. He was such a good person and the more he tried the more he got betrayed.

"Truth is I think about you often
I miss your voice I miss your smile that I used to get lost in"

He kept thinking about her. Every good moment had her in it. She helped him though a rough patch of his life, he told her everything. He gave himself to her and she went against him.

Her smile was something he loved, everytime she spoke it soothed him, she made him feel like no one else but really she was playing her twisted games.

"I know you know I have this thing for you, I never lost it,
I think I just lost myself in the midst of the nonsense"

He couldn't stop loving her and that is what was making him more mad. He had devoted himself to her and she didn't even love him.

He couldn't ever stop loving her. They say you love the ones that hurt you the most and it was true. It was something his mother would always say and he'd never taken it so seriously until now.

"9 times out of 10 id close my eyes and dream about you,
Don't know what it was but you just had this thing about you"

Love did crazy things to people. Love made people blind. But Zion had given up. He just wasn't loveable.

The only thing on his mind was her and he couldn't sleep at night without thinking of her. He missed walking up next to her. He missed her embrace in the morning, he missed cuddling at night with her.

But why was he hurting so badly? She was the one in the wrong. She fucked up and she was probably with her new boy toy already and had moved on from him.

He was the broken one. He was the one who was falling apart and alone. It was him.

*sob*😭 thoughts?
lord this was sad but I WAS IN MA FEELS SO YOU KNOOOOOWWWWW and phora is so fricking good yall need to listen to him like.
Also I decided to make the guy the pressed one bc you know it's not always the girl being the heartbroken one you feel me
Anyways the next one will not be a Zion one I swear I just love writing about Z but I'll do someone else lmao and until next time kuwonhoes 😎

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