Him Z.K {p2}

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"I'm pregnant"

She stood in front of him, she couldn't fight back the tears that were running down her face, she was a mess.

However he didn't have a word to say, his eyes widened at the two words and he stood there staring at her.

Almost as if he wasn't happy.

She was over the moon. She was going to be a mother, however she was only heartbroken because the father of her child, had gone and stepped on her heart.


That was all that came out of the Canadians mouth. The only reaction he had when he found out, he was going to become a father, to a beautiful child.

That was it.

Her heart was breaking more and more, to the point where she didn't even want to stand in front of him, she wanted to be alone.

She was going to love this child, whether he did or not, but she, she was going to be a mom.

"This is our- my child" she stuttered, her voice breaking with every word she came out with.
"If you want nothing to do with my child, you have fuck all to do with me" she spat in his face and walked over to the kitchen, grabbing something from the counter.

It was a red box.

She threw it at him, she was still crying, she was completely broken.

"The first time, I thought I was pregnant," she began and his eyes widened as he took a seat.

"I wanted to tell you, I had it all planned, but I, i-" she couldn't bring herself to finish the sentence, yet Zion knew exactly what she wanted to say.

"I lost our baby girl" she sobbed, holding her face in her hands.

She sat on the floor, not giving a fuck that he was by her at this point, she couldn't care less.

"But now, I'm pregnant. With a healthy child" she smiled looking down at her stomach.

He opened the box, his eyes became watery as he read the note along with the positive test.

She must've written it when she had found out she miscarried, but why did she keep it this whole time?

"I wanted to give it to you, when I told you about this baby, but it seems you didn't care" she whispered and he opened it up, scanning the words.

It's the 1st of march 2018
I'm sorry Z I'm just a fuck up. I'm so sorry. I lost our baby girl. It's all my fucking fault. Our own baby, but I guess you probably want to move on or some shit, why stay with some bitch who lost your child? I'm sorry Z.

He scanned it over and over and placed it on the table, he walked over to her and helped her up.

His hand brushed the side of her face, wiping her tears along with it. And she broke down, again, against his chest.

He hugged her back, he knew he'd fucked up big time, he had no idea how he would fix it.

But y/n knew, she knew he wasn't  happy, and she couldn't have someone like that as a part of her life.

She pulled away from him and moved the hairs out of her face, she looked him in the eye, but when he looked back at her she looked down.

She loved him.

But she was going to have to let him go.

"I hope you have fun with your whore" she muttered and got up walking towards the door to let him out. She was done with it.

"Have a good one" she spat as he got up and walked towards the door, however he stopped in his tracks.

"I'm sorry" he whispered and she shook her head, sorry wasn't good enough. She knew what he was going to do.

He would go back to her. Sleep with her.

While y/n was carrying his child. Alone.

"Y/n please" he whispered, his voice breaking as he grasped her hand softly in his own.

How she missed everything about him.

She never wanted it to be like this, but he made it this way. Not every fairytale had a good ending.

But her silence said enough, so he walked out of the house, leaving not only one, but 2 people behind.

She knew he wouldn't be happy, and if he wanted to make it right, he knew exactly where she was.

Her eyes went straight to the ring on her finger, the promise ring he gave to her, promising to love her forever, and she did do just that, however she was the one thrown in the dirt.

She gave him her all, and got this in return.

Damn yall, the waterworksss😭, but I hope yall liked this and this could deadass be a whole fricking book YA DIG but ion know bout dat lmao, but leave me ya thoughts and I kind of feel like it needs a p3 but idk yet. So until next time kuwonhoes peace.

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