Parks and promises N.M

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Y/n and nick had been friends a while now, however he'd always wanted to be more than friends and he'd been feeling this way for some time now.

It was just something about her he adored. Of course he liked everything about her but it was the way she did things or her aspect of life. It was different but he liked it. A lot.

He had finally built up the Courage to ask her on a date. Of course his nerves were playing up like crazy but it just made him even more excited.

He didn't want to lose his chance with her, he was surprised she didn't have a boyfriend because of her beauty and her amazing personality. She was fun to be around.

So nick had to grab it while he had the chance. He had to take it before anyone else did. How he'd envy anyone who tried to take y/n from him.

He decided to take her on a picnic date. He loved picnics and he loved spending time outside and he knew she was a big fan of being outdoors too.

Nick knew one thing she'd always say to him. He knew quite a bit about her.
'Why stay inside when the whole universe is waiting to be discovered?'

He liked her curiosity for things or how she always loved finding her own way around certain situations.

"Nick you're going to be late" he heard Edwin yell and snapped out of his thoughts fixing his hair as he stood in the mirror.

He was extremely nervous. He did not want to mess up at all.

"You're going to be fine nick just be yourself" Edwin chuckled and nick relaxed a bit. Edwin knew he was nervous just by looking at him but it was one of his closest friends he had nothing to worry about.

"Thanks ed" nick smiled before grabbing his keys and everything he needed before rushing out the house to his car. He'd promised to pick her up from her house at 3 and he had 10 minutes.

as he drove along he became slightly sweaty but replayed Edwin's words in his head and calmed down a slight bit. Nick had this. He knew what he was doing.

He jogged up to her house and knocked on her door only to be greeted by her with a huge grin on her face.
"One second let me grab my bag" she smiled and he nodded waiting for her.

She came back out and they headed down to his car, he opened the door for her and she sat in, he drove to the park which was only a short distance from her house.

"You really look beautiful" nick chuckled and her smile gleamed.
"Not too bad yourself Mara" she giggled and his cheeks turned a light tint of red.

Of course he liked her and by her giving him her little compliments it made him smile. His feelings would grow every time he saw her.

He parked up and they got out, nick grabbed everything he needed and out of no where she placed her own hand in his

Nicks heart began to beat faster and she chuckled noticing his slight jump at the contact.
" I guess I'll warn you next time" she laughed as they entered the picnic spot.

What felt like a few hours had gone by of y/n and nick in the park. Even though  they were close friends he got to know her so much and he learnt new things about her.

He adored her and he wanted her to be his, he had such strong feelings for her.

As he took a sip of his water she looked at him in concern.

"What's up mara?" She asked moving slightly closer and she noticed he was even more nervous.
"Erm I don't know how to say this y/n" he stuttered and put the water bottle down.
"Is it bad?" She asked looking even more worried and placed her hand on his leg.
"No not at all y/n"
"It's just that I've known you for a while now and I really like you and the more I get to know you the more I realise I have feelings for you" he whispered the last part and looked up at her to see her staring at him.
"Y/n you don't have to I mean like-" she cut him off by pressing her lips against his gently.
She pulled back and nick ran his thumb across his lip while staring at her in shock.
"Did that answer any questions you had Mara?" She giggled brushing her hair behind her ear.
"There's one more" he smiled taking her hand in his
"Be my girlfriend?" He asked and she squealed hugging him and he hugged her back tighter.
"Never thought you'd ask mara" she chuckled while pressing her lips against his cheek.
"Just promise me one thing" she whispered and he nodded
"You won't break my heart " she mumbled and he pressed his lips against her hand
"I promise"

I hope yall liked thisssss. Leave me your thoughts and any ideas you have (they're not like proper requests) just some ideas you know
Anyways until next time kuwonhoes 😎

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