CaNaDiAn lItTle BiTcH Z.K

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"I'm telling you, if my child gets injured I'm suing"

Zion and y/n offered to babysit Brandon's and his girlfriends baby, who also happened to be y/n's best friend.

Her and Brandon were off out for the day, they had to run a few errands and were pretty sure their daughter would get bored sitting in the car all day so they wanted to spend the day with her.

Zion and y/n loved playing with her, she surely loved them too, it was also good practice for when they had kids of their own. Being with Zion, that could be tomorrow, no body knew about his psycho ass.

"Chill out, we can look after a kid" Zion shook his head and pushed Brandon out of the door, y/n's best friend giving her daughter a kiss and following Brandon on.

"WE WILL SUE" Brandon yelled and Zion gave him the finger, he closed the door and met eyes with an annoyed looking y/n.

"Don't swear around her, she already copies the shit you do" y/n chuckled and Zion kissed her cheek and went to go find their daughter, isabella.

Brandon was cautious about leaving her with the 2 because they were quite the crazy pair, they were always hyper and one time Brandon and his s/o had come home to Zion with pink streaks in his hair while Isabella was covered in gold Glitter and y/n had makeup everywhere.

Not to mention that they'd had a huge water fight with giant nerf guns. About 4 times. In one day.

"ZION I WANNA HAVE A WATER FIGHT" Isabella squealed and Zion smirked, picking her up and sitting her on the counter.

"Nope Bella, we have to look after you properly" y/n smiled and Isabella pouted, pulling zions ear close to her lips so she could whisper.

Zion burst out laughing and him and Isabella ran into the other room leaving y/n confused, also scared of what the two idiots were going to do.

"I swear to god you Canadian little bitch, if you do anything stupid I will-" y/n was cut off when a whole bucket of water was thrown down her back, soaking her entirely.

"CALEB ZION KUWONU" she screamed, she turned around to see Isabella and Zion on the floor in a fit of laughter while she tried to drain the water from her hair.

"It's on baby" she smirked and walked into the kitchen.

Y/n found a whole packet of water balloons, so she picked them up and filled them, and all she had to do was lure them outside.

She didn't want to ruin her best friends house, since she knew Brandon would also murder her.

"Zion forget it, just come outside with Isabella" y/n yelled, knowing zions dumb ass would fall for it and follow exactly what she said.

That was when Zion came out, holding Isabella's hand and y/n attacked them with numerous water balloons, causing many screams to errupt from their mouths.

"Who wins now huh?" She smirked and he ran over to her, holding her by her waist in a tight grip while Isabella walked up to her holding something behind her back.

"Baby what are you doing?" Y/n stuttered and tried to move from zion yet he ended up holding her tighter. All of a sudden, Isabella grabbed the water gun and sprayed it all over her face, leaving her once again soaking wet.

"ZION" she whined, getting out of his grip and standing face to face with him.
"Fuck You" she whispered only loud enough for him to hear.

"WE WIN YOU LOSEEEE" Isabella yelled dancing around holding zions hand and y/n walked inside shaking her head and she began to tidy up.

There were Many rules set for when they were over, and y/n was pretty sure every one had been broken.

So y/n cleared everything up and sat on the couch, with the remote in her hand, watching something on netflix when the front door opened.

She really had lost track of time.

Brandon walked in, his girlfriend after him and they both looked at y/n with concerned faces.

"How did it-" before he could finish they heard a squeal from the garden.


So how'd ya feel about that hahahah. Zion can be a Canadian little bitch sometimes so yep ya dig, also let me know if u liked this down in the comments and I looovvveee yaaaall and until next time kuwonhoes peaceee ✌️🖤

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