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Giselle walks with Malik and I walk Caleb.

I make sure I keep my distance.

"So, how old are you?" Caleb asked.

"Seventeen, you?"

"Seventeen as well."


"Yeah," Caleb says.

Awkward silence.

I see a Lakers jersey in the window of a sports shop and I look at it.

It's a camaflouge Kobe jersey.

It's a camaflouge Kobe jersey

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(Modeled by me ☺)

"That's real nice!" I point to it.

"Let's go see how much it cost!" Caleb says.

I nod my head.

"We'll be at the Nike store," Malik says.

Caleb and I enter the sports shop and I find a worker.

"How much for the Kobe jersey?" I asked the worker.

"The camo one is eighty and the regular purple and yellow one is sixty!" The worker says.

Sheesh, that's a lot for a jersey.

"Oh okay." I say.

"What size do you wear?" Caleb asked.

"A small,"

"Can I see a small in the camouflage jersey please?" Caleb asked the worker.

The worker walks to the back and I look at Caleb with an eyebrow raised.

"I don't have enough money for the jersey!"

"Who says I was getting it for you?" Caleb asked with a wink. "It's for me!"

I know for a fact this boy isn't gonna fit a small jersey!

After we leave the store Caleb holds the jersey up to himself.

"Damn, it doesn't look like I'm going to fit this!" Caleb says with a smirk.

"We can go get you a medium one," I say.

"Nah, I think I'll give it to a friend as a gift!" Caleb says.

I nod my head.


We meet up with Giselle and Malik, and I go to a dressing room to try on a Nike shirt.

I leave my bags with Giselle.

I come back a few minutes later.

"Hey, it was fun hanging out with you guys, but we've got to go!" Malik says.

"Nice meeting you, goodbye!" I wave.

Malik walks to Giselle and he gives her a hug goodbye.

Caleb gives me a fist bump before the both of them leave.

"I hope you had fun with Malik," I say to Giselle.

"I had a lot of fun!" Giselle smiles at me. "Thanks for that Joslyn!"

"No problem, you're lucky Caleb didn't try anything, or else I would've dipped!" I laugh grabbing my bags.

The Boy Next Door 2 | LaMelo BallWhere stories live. Discover now