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After taking a few pictures, LaMelo and I walk to the dance floor.

He looks so cute.

The song 'Wobble by V.I.C' comes on and I say aye because that's my song.

I dance to the song and LaMelo walks to our table.

I feel him looking at me the whole time.

Once the song is over, I pull him towards the dance floor.

"No, I don't wanna dance babe."

I scoff at him.

"Your dancing with me,"

He laughs before walking with me onto the dance floor.

A slow song comes on.

It's 'Perfect by Ed Sheeran'.

Remember when LaMelo and I made that dance, well when we kept on dancing, we made more dances.

One of the dances was to the song perfect.

"Do you remember the dance?" I asked.

LaMelo nods.

(Starts at 0:46 and stop at 1:23)


aMelo and I got to caught up in dancing, we didn't notice people staring at us.

People start to clap.

After playing a few more songs, the DJ gets everyone's attention.

"It's time to announce the twenty eighteen prom queen and king. Can I please have the prom court join me up front?"

I look at LaMelo and he pecks my lips. "You got this!"

He smacks my butt and I walk away, joining the rest of the court on the stage.

They announce the Prom king first.

I didn't even know Trey was on the Prom court, but he won prom king.

"...and this year's prom queen is-" The DJ pauses for a dramatic effect.

I cross my fingers.

"Joslyn Jones!" He says.

I let out a gasp and people clap.

They give me a sash that says 'Prom Queen 2K18' on it and a bouquet of flowers.

I smile and I take a picture with Trey for our school news.

He places a hand on my lower back and I secretly move it up.

I hope LaMelo didn't see that.

After taking pictures with Trey I walk over to Zuri and she congratulates me, I thank her.

I walk back to the table and Giselle looks at me.

"Um, LaMelo pulled Trey outside Joslyn." Giselle says.

He definitely saw, I think to myself

I place my flowers on the table before making my way outside.

The Boy Next Door 2 | LaMelo BallWhere stories live. Discover now