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A few months later, I still have not spoken to LaMelo.

I have seen him across the street and he tries to talk to me, but I just run away.

I've also gotten multiple texts from him.

Some of them say things like 'Jos I'm sorry' or 'I made a huge mistake', I only reply with a shrugging emoji.

I had Harmony a month ago.

Lonzo has been helping me take care of her.

I'm very grateful for him.

I know I would not be able to take care of this child alone.

Harmony is a good baby, she looks like both me and her father.


I sit in my room breast feeding a six month old Harmony and I hear the front door open and close.

As I get up off the bed, I let out a sigh.

"Babe, is that you?" I asked.

"Nope, it's a robber!" I hear him reply.

I walk to the kitchen and Lonzo looks at me, smiling brightly.

He leans down and pecks my lips.

"How was practice?" I asked him.

"Practice was- practice was exhausting."

Lonzo opens the fridge and he looks for some food.

Harmony stops eating and I put my boob back in my shirt.

Lonzo ends up picking a yogurt to eat, then he turns his attention to Harmony.

Harmony immediately smiles and smacks his face.

She starts to laugh as she keeps hitting Lonzo.

Lonzo punches her very very softly making a 'pew pew' sound every time he punches her.


Once Harmony is asleep for her nap, Lonzo and I watch television together.

I look at my phone and I see a text from LaMelo.

Melo when can I see my child again?

Me whenever you want to.

Me my mom will bring her to see you, all you've got to do is give her a date and a time.

I lock my phone.

"Was that LaMelo?"

"Mhm," I say. "He wants to see Harmony."

When LaMelo wants to see Harmony, I do not take her to see him.

It is usually my mom or Lonzo who takes her.

The Boy Next Door 2 | LaMelo BallWhere stories live. Discover now