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The next day, LaMelo and I walk to the park.

He wants to play basketball so I just sit on the sideline watching him.

There is another guy sitting next to me. 

I keep on feeling him glance at me.

I glance back at him.

"Hi," I say.

The boy smiles at me. "Hello,"

Silence follows.

"I'm Joslyn," I stick my hand out.

Might as well make a friend while I'm here.

"Justin," the boy says shaking my hand.

I notice that his other hand is broken.

"How'd you break your hand?" I asked Justin.

"I was playing basketball and I landed the wrong way!" He says.

"Oh, dang." I say.


"So, which one is your boyfriend, can he ball?"

I look at the guys playing and I search for LaMelo.

"The once without a shirt on is my boyfriend."

"Yeah, he can play good!"

I nod my head.

After talking to Justin for a while I notice LaMelo standing in front of me.

"We're taking a little break before the next game." LaMelo says.

He rubs my stomach looking at me.

"Are you good?" He asked me.

"Yeah babe, I'm good!" I say.

He turns towards Justin.

"Sup, I'm LaMelo." He sticks his hand out.

I can tell LaMelo is trying to figure out who he is.

"Justin," Justin shakes his hand.

They begin to talk for a minute before LaMelo gets ready to play.

Before he walks away, LaMelo smiles and leans down to kiss my lips.

He jogs back onto the court.


After LaMelo plays a few more games, we start to walk home.

I look LaMelo in the eyes and he smiles at me grabbing my hand.

"You know what my punishment is for getting you pregnant?" LaMelo asked. 

I shake my head no.

"You didn't tell me, so." I look at LaMelo.

"My dad's making me cut my hair!" LaMelo says.

He makes this face like the worst thing in the world just happened.

"That's it?" I asked.

LaMelo looks at me with an eyebrow raised.

"What do you mean that's it?" LaMelo asked.

"Boy, it'll grow back!"

"Girl, I love my hair!"

I laugh at LaMelo.

"Hey, at least he didn't whoops your ass!"

LaMelo jumps up and down.

"No, no. He whooped my ass! That shit stang like a bitch!"

I start to die laughing.

Lord, the way he says stuff is funny as hell!

The Boy Next Door 2 | LaMelo BallWhere stories live. Discover now