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I walk to the bathroom and I grab a towel from under the sink.

Wiping the blood off my lip I let out a sigh.

Lonzo comes up behind me and he grabs the towel from me.

"Let me help you," Lonzo says.

I nod my head and I close the toilet seat so I can sit on it.

Lonzo bends down on his knees so he can see my lips better.

He looks me in the eye as he wipes my lip.

"I'm sorry about her," Lonzo apologizes.

I shake my head. "It's not your fault, no need to apologize."

"Did she hit you anywhere else?" Lonzo asked rubbing his thumb along my cheek.

"No," I blush slightly.

We look into each others eye and I clear my throat.

"Well- um thanks- thanks for the help!" I rub my stomach blushing slightly.

As I get ready to walk away Lonzo calls my name.

"Jos, wait-" Lonzo says.

I turn around and I face Lonzo.

"Yes?" I asked.

"I um- if you need anything, I'm here." Lonzo smiles and I smile back at him.

I walk back outside and I see LaMelo talking to Ashley.

"Just don't come near them again," LaMelo turns and walks away from Ashley.

Ashley grabs his hand and kisses his lips.

LaMelo immediately pulls away.

"Ashley-" LaMelo looks around shocked and he sees me.

I walk over to them.

This bitch- I'm gonna fuck her up!

"Joslyn!" LaMelo wraps his arms around me. "Calm down baby, calm down!"

"Didn't I tell you! Didn't I tell you hoe!" I shout at Ashley.

LaMelo drags me inside of the house.

I'm so pissed off, my hands won't stop shaking.

I can not wait until I have this baby so I can whoop that bitches ass!

The Boy Next Door 2 | LaMelo BallWhere stories live. Discover now