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After LaMelo and I are off the phone, I can not stop crying.

My mom walks into my room and she looks at me.

"Hey sweetie, what's wrong?" She asked me.

"Mommy, he- we..." I try to speak in between sobs.

"We broke up!" I finally say.

"Awe, come here." My mom joins me in my bed.

She pulls me into a hug and I cry in her arms.

Meanwhile, I didn't know my phone was ringing.

Once I calm down a little bit, I explain everything to my mother.

"Joslyn, he'll come around, he just needs some time to calm down, that's all!" My mom says.

I sniffle and I look in the mirror.

My eyes are red and puffy and my nose is all red.

I have streaks of dry tears on my cheeks.


The next day, once my mom leaves for work, I check my phone.

I see I have a missed call.

Quickly, I unlock my phone hopeful that LaMelo is the one who called me, he isn't the one.

It was LiAngelo returning my call.

I called him yesterday.

I call him back and he answers on the second or third ring.

"Hey hey hey, you've reached Gelo!" LiAngleo says in a cheerful voice.

"Hi LiAngelo," I say.

"What's up?"

"Do you know if LaMelo is okay?" I asked.

"Yeah, he's just been playing Fortnite all day, why?"

"I'm um- just wondering."

"Why don't you call him yourself?"

"He didn't tell you?" I asked.

"Tell me what?"

"Nothing, it's not important. I'll see you soon."

I hang up the phone.


As bad as this may sound, I've got to focus on my prom campains.

I've texted LaMelo multiple amounts of time.

He's read them and I've seen him type, but I've never gotten a response.

Prom is tomorrow night so I am currently making sure I have everything.

I've got my dress, shoes, accessories, getting my hair done tomorrow, my nails are a pretty blue to match my dress, and I'll be doing my own makeup.

I place all of my stuff in my closet and on my dresser so I have them for tomorrow.

I sit on my bed and I glance at my phone.

I see the word Baby😍💕.

My heart begins to race as I look at my phone.

I pick it up with shakey hands.


The Boy Next Door 2 | LaMelo BallWhere stories live. Discover now