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We all sit in the room as silence fills the air.

"I just...I don't want you to do something that'll hurt your career!" Lavar says.

LaMelo rolls my eyes.

"Like what?" LaMelo asked.

"Like her getting pregnant, or you doing something to bring the wrong type of publicity."

"Well too bad," LaMelo says.

"What do you mean too bad?"

"LaM-" I start.

"No no no, she's pregnant!" LaMelo says. "And it's not going to hurt my career to bring a child into the world!"

"She's what?" Lavar asked jumping up from his chair.

"You heard me Lavar." LaMelo says.

I glance at LaMelo and he looks pissed off.

Lavar shakes his head.

"How far along?"

"Five months," I say.

"That means an abortion is out the picture!" Lavar says.

LaMelo shakes his head. "An abortion was never in the picture."

Lavar groans frustrated.

"I'm not giving you any money. You wanna do shit that adults do, then you two are going to act like responsible adults." Lavar yells.

"LaMelo the next time you call me by my first name again- oh boy, imma go crazy on your ass!" Lavar gets up and walks out the room.

I decide that I can stop sucking in my stomach because Lavar is probably telling everyone that I'm pregnant.

LaMelo and I walk into the living room and Lonzo looks at him up and down.

Lonzo turns his attention towards me again, and his eyes linger on me for a moment before he looks away.

"Congratulations!" Izzy says running up and hugging me.

"Thank you!" I hug her back.

LaMelo walks over to Tina and she kisses his cheek.

"You're still my same old baby," I hear Tina say.

I smile at them.


The next day, everyone is on a plane back home.

Once we land, LaMelo can't stop smiling.

He can't even stop smiling when we got into the car.

"I'm so happy to be back home!" He says grabbing my hand.

"Me too, but now..." I pause looking up at LaMelo. "We have to tell me mom the news."

"Oh shit, I forgot about your mom."

LaMelo takes his back in his house and he grabs my bag.

We walk across the street and I unlock the front door.

"I'm home mom!" I yell.

I hear a scream come from upstairs and my mom rushes downstairs.

She stops once she sees my belly bump.

She looks back and fourth between me and LaMelo.

"Well that's, a shocker!" My mom says.

She looks at LaMelo.

"Is LaMelo the baby daddy?" She asked.

"Duh, who else would it be!" I roll my eyes.

My mom shrugs her shoudlers.

"Well, I'm not saying I'm proud of you, but we've already had this talk...so, you know what happens next!" My mom says.

She pulls me into a hug and then she hugs LaMelo.

"You know you're trapped now, right LaMelo?" My mom asked.

LaMelo just chuckles in response.

"All that's left for you to do is-" my mom pauses.

Ugh, I know what she's gonna say.

"Put a ring on it!" My mom wiggles her ring finger.

I shake my head.

LaMelo laughs and I shake my head.


The Boy Next Door 2 | LaMelo BallWhere stories live. Discover now