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I take my time driving to the store because I am completely nervous.

"What's wrong with you?" LaMelo asked grabbing my hand. "You seem real tense!"

I shrugg my shoulder while finding a park.

LaMelo and I walk into the store hand in hand.

"What are we here for again?" LaMelo asked.

"You'll see, baby." I say.

My heart is beating a million times a second.

I have a million questions running through my head right now.

What if I'm actually pregnant.

What if LaMelo is angry at me?

What if he doesn't wanna keep it?

We walk past baby stuff and LaMelo starts looking at the little baby shoes.

When I see him playing with them, all of my worries go away.

"These are so small," LaMelo says bringing the shoes over to me.

I laugh. "Well yeah, they're for a baby, so..."

LaMelo laughs returning the shoes back to their original spot.

We finally make it to the aisle that I need and LaMelo looks at me confused.

"Are you getting condoms?" LaMelo asked. "I have some at home!"

I don't reach for the condoms though, I reach for what's next to them...a pregnancy test.

I bite my lip glancing at LaMelo.

"Are you?" LaMelo looks at the pregnancy test and then back at me.

"I don't know, that's why I'm buying these!" I say.

"You right, you right!" LaMelo says.

"Stupid." I giggle.

"Come on let's go see!" LaMelo says he grabs my hand running towards the checkout

For a moment, I see a hint worriness on LaMelo's face.


After what feels like the longest drive ever, we finally make it back home.

I immediately go into the bathroom and I take four test that I have.

LaMelo knocks on the bathroom door.

I open it for him and he walks inside of the bathroom wrapping his arms around my waist.

"If you are pregnant, don't worry. I'll be with you every step of the way, Jos. I don't give a fuck about what other people have to say about our situation, this is our situation. Nobody else's input matters." LaMelo turns me around and he looks deep into my eyes.

"This is about me and you, this is about us." He says.

I smile at him and I peck his lips.

"You're wonderful." I say.

"I know!" LaMelo replies.

We both stand there in the bathroom waiting for the pregnancy test to finish getting the results.

LaMelo holds onto my hand and he rubs circles on the back of it.

He kisses my hand softly.

"Everything will be fine!"

"I know, we've got each other!" I say.

LaMelo and I look at each other.

"Ready to find out?" I asked him.

He nods his head yes.

We both look at the test.

I see a + , + , + , and another +.

"We're pregnant!" LaMelo says lifting me up and spinning me around.

This changes everything!

The Boy Next Door 2 | LaMelo BallWhere stories live. Discover now