Chapter One

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The clouds had been blanketing the city for weeks now. What had once been full of color was now a monochrome grey that filled the mind of every person. A light rain trickled out of the sky like the tears of a melancholy goddess. Underneath the cover of clouds traveled a black umbrella. Underneath this umbrella, a young boy braced his head against the wind and tucked a book under his chin. The boy hurried towards a building where he would be sheltered from the relentless sorrow. He reached the door, shook out and closed the umbrella, and walked inside with relief. Book in hand, the boy walked past shelves and shelves of books to sit alone at a table. The library was his home, and he needed to escape his raucous roommates. He could never get any studying done with them around. The boy opened his slightly damp book and the rest of the world quickly faded away.

"Calculus again? Really?" A deep voice pierced through the calm. "Jeon Jungkook, you are such a nerd. Is this where you were on Friday when we went to Hoseok's party?" The tall, beautiful boy put his hand on the table and leaned down so that Jungkook could not ignore him. "I- I had a test..." Jungkook's voice trailed off as Taehyung continued to stare at him. Taehyung's eyes sparkled in the harsh fluorescent light. Jungkook gulped as he noticed the prominent veins in Taehyung's hands. It had been years, and Jungkook had never worked up the nerve to tell Taehyung how he felt. Nobody knew his secret. Who would like him anyways? Taehyung had always been way out of Jungkook's league. Jungkook was just a timid, quiet nerd. He always had his nose in a book. He had only met Taehyung in the first place because Jungkook was far enough ahead in high school math that he was in the same class as Taehyung, who was a couple years older. Ever since that first day, when Jungkook had walked into math and seen this perfect boy, he had been infatuated. Now they were in college, and Taehyung had never noticed. Jungkook was jolted from his thoughts. "I asked you a question, dumbass."
"Sorry," Jungkook mumbled under his breath. He always seemed to lose his ability to speak around Taehyung. "I asked if you're coming to the party tomorrow," Taehyung looked pointedly at Jungkook. "Or if you're gonna study for a test you know damn well you could pass in your sleep."
"I, um, I guess I could come to the party, uh, sure?" Jungkook stumbled over his words, not knowing just what he was agreeing to. Parties had never really been his scene, and Hoseok's parties were notoriously wild. Hoseok was one of those people that Jungkook only knew from being friends with Taehyung. Tae was friends with everyone. Only seven, however, of the immense high school friend group had made it into this college, and all at different times too. They still hung out, although Jungkook didn't care much for them. He stuck around for Taehyung. Jungkook usually managed to avoid the parties. He hated watching Taehyung surrounded by beautiful girls. He hated opening the bathroom door to find Taehyung and some chick glued together by the lips. These parties always ended up with Jungkook drinking himself into oblivion in order to avoid the rejection. Unfortunately, it seemed there was no getting out of this one. Jungkook sighed. "I'll be there."

Some time later, Jungkook left the library. He opened up his umbrella and ventured out into the gloomy drizzle. This weather didn't help the despair that wracked Jungkook's heart. He had made a mistake. He couldn't go to this party. It was too much to bear again. So far, Jungkook had avoided the drugs that were easily obtained at Hoseok's parties. He stuck to good old alcohol. Jungkook didn't want to push it. He had one day to figure out how to get out of this party.

Jungkook arrived at his dorm, hair and shoes soaking wet despite the umbrella. He left the umbrella outiside the door and shuffled inside. Jungkook sighed with irritation. He had arrived home to his roommates, Yoongi and Jimin, making out on the couch. They were an annoying couple. Oftentimes they kept Jungkook awake very late into the night with unusually loud moans and the very creaky dorm beds. These two were a part of the original group from high school, and everyone had known they liked each other, seemingly except for the two boys themselves. Somewhere along the road they figured it out and now here they were. What had once been a couple of adorable, shy boys was now just an overload of PDA and late night noise.

Yoongi and Jimin broke apart just long enough to acknowledge Jungkook's arrival, then crashed back into each other. Jungkook had been living with them long enough to know that they wouldn't stop if he was there. Jungkook estimated he had about three minutes before clothes started coming off. He grabbed an apple off the counter and headed to his room.

Streetlight streamed into Jungkook's room through the open curtains. Yoongi and Jimin had finished up a while ago, and Jungkook questioned how much longer he could deal with this. He had had enough of Jimin's whimpers and Yoongi's deep throaty moans. Jungkook knew altogether too much about their sex life. Now here he was, awake in the middle of the night. Jungkook knew he shouldn't mess up his sleep schedule. He also knew sleep would elude him tonight. Chin in hands, Jungkook's thoughts drifted once more to Taehyung. His eyes fluttered closed as his mind filled with the image of his first and only love. Sleep was closer than Jungkook had thought.

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