Chapter Five

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Jungkook dragged a recalcitrant Taehyung by the wrist around puddles and up the steps to the hospital. "Kook, I'm completely fine," Taehyung began, but Jungkook didn't let him finish. "You may very well have a concussion. Do you know what kinds of conditions can develop from an untreated head injury? You could be bleeding internally." Jungkook cut Taehyung off every time he tried to complain. The young boy's stubbornness got Taehyung all the way to a hospital bed.

Jungkook pulled aside the nurse that had been assisting Taehyung. Cautiously, he whispered to her "Hey, so my friend here has a bit of a wild side and he's been acting weird ever since some party. Could you run a drug test?" The nurse nodded understandingly and went to collect a blood sample. Taehyung attempted to push the nurse away but faltered when he noticed Jungkook's pointed glare.

With the sample now in pathology, the two anxious boys sat and waited.

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