Chapter Two

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Dim light, grey like the rest of the world, filled Jungkook's room and bathed his face. The dull rhythm of rain hitting the window wrapped the room in peaceful slumber. Jungkook's eyes slowly opened. He lifted his head from his desk and exhaled. He could stay like this forever and be happy. The grey light and the sound of the rain were perfect. All that was missing was Taehyung's warm body pressed up against Jungkook's back, and his arms wrapped around Jungkook's waist. That, unfortunately, was highly unlikely.

This thought dragged Jungkook out of his fantasy and into the real world. Jungkook forced himself onto his sore feet and stumbled to the closet to dig up a change of clothes. There was a party today, but more importantly, there was a calculus test. Dressed in a clean oversized flannel and pair of skinny jeans, Jungkook began the trek to class.

Two hours later, Jungkook emerged from class confident he had done well. Taehyung had been right, as per usual. Jungkook could've passed that test in his sleep. He now had the rest of the day to himself, as Fridays were the day Jungkook decided he would leave open. Tuesdays and Thursdays held a much more rigorous class schedule. Jungkook debated heading back to the dorm, but he was well aware that Yoongi and Jimin had skipped their morning class today and were likely skipping their next class as well. With a sigh of resignation, Jungkook walked towards the library.

For the second time in two days, Jungkook found himself in the back of the library with his face hidden in a book. He had stopped reading twenty minutes ago in favor of once again fantasizing about Taehyung. He could see himself at his own wedding, walking down the aisle to meet a flawless Taehyung. He could see Tae lying in their shared bed, wearing nothing but sweatpants, waiting for Jungkook to join him. He could see the sweat dripping from Taehyung's forehead and he could hear the moans of pleasure and he could feel Taehyung's strong hands gripping his thighs and his hips and his- Jungkook stopped himself. He was in public. He didn't want to sit here and wait for an unwanted boner to subside. Jungkook leaned back to stare at the ceiling. This was killing him. He had to do something. He just couldn't work up the courage.

Jungkook's phone buzzed. Taehyung was calling. Jungkook picked up the phone. "Hello?"
"Hey Kook, just calling to remind you of tonight's party so you don't have an excuse to miss it."
"I-" Taehyung cut Jungkook off before he could finish the sentence. "Make sure you at least look like you tried to look good. Nobody wears a flannel to a party."
"Uh, ok Tae," Jungkook was glad Taehyung couldn't see him blushing. It took Jungkook a few seconds to realize that Taehyung had hung up. Jungkook started towards the dorm to pick out an acceptable outfit.

Hair still damp from the moderate rain, Jungkook sat on his bed amid a pile of clothing. He had settled on a tight black T-shirt and the same jeans he was already wearing, as well as black hi tops that were pretty beat up. Sparkly black stud earrings, a leather bracelet, and a hint of eyeliner completed the look. There was about an hour til the party. Jungkook considered calling Taehyung but decided against it. It was enough that Jungkook had dressed up to look his best for the gorgeous man. The absence of a flannel was already uncomfortable. Jungkook decided to head over to Hoseok's place early. The room was in a different building, so Jungkook grabbed his umbrella.

Unintelligible music blasted from speakers that were way too big for the small dorm hall. Jungkook was standing awkwardly in one of the rooms where the music was quietest, drink in hand. He stood and waited. He could hear Hoseok's shouting from all the way down the hall. Jungkook had just decided to leave when he caught a glimpse of Taehyung. He had been at this party for an hour and Tae hadn't said a word to him. The clearly drunk man staggered into the room and fell into Jungkook. "Whoa, are you alright?" Jungkook exclaimed. Taehyung couldn't even form words. He was probably drugged up as well as drunk. Jungkook wrapped Taehyung's arm around his shoulder and begun leading his friend out of the building. Jungkook's umbrella lay forgotten beside the door as Jungkook took Taehyung back to his dorm room. Jungkook opened the door to his dorm to find Yoongi and Jimin asleep on the couch. He was very glad that at least for one night, he could enjoy the peace and quiet. Jungkook laid Taehyung down on his bed and after covering the unconscious boy with the sheets, went to go shower off the sweat coating him in a sticky sheen.

Jungkook found the shower in a disarray, as usual. His roommates could never be bothered to clean up after themselves. Jungkook went about picking up bottles and bars of soap and putting them back where they belonged. Satisfied that everything was once again in order, Jungkook undressed and turned on the water. The hot water streaming down his back and legs felt almost like the caress he so craved from a certain man who was currently passed out on Jungkook's bed. Steam filled Jungkook's lungs. Remnants of his minty shampoo trickled down his legs. Jungkook stood like that for what seemed like hours, wishing he had Taehyung to join him. Jungkook felt himself harden. Now that he was alone, rather than in the library, Jungkook could see to his needs. He conjured back up that fantasy.

Once again, Jungkook could feel Taehyung's hands roving all over. He could see the face of sheer bliss accompanying Taehyung's moans. Jungkook reached down and began to rub himself. He hardened further at the touch. It was not long before Jungkook couldn't contain his moans. This is what Taehyung did to him. That beautiful face and flawless body swirled through Jungkook's hazy mind. Jungkook climaxed with Tae's name on his lips. Panting, Jungkook turned to let the water from the shower wash away the evidence of his pleasure.

"Hey, Kook," It was Taehyung. "Ah, how long have you been in here?" Jungkook inquired, panicked. He hadn't heard Taehyung walk in, or even known Tae was awake. "Long enough," Taehyung replied. "Are we gonna talk about how loud you were moaning my name just now?"

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