Chapter Seven

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The seven boys stood in a rough circle, not speaking a single word. Yoongi had his arm wrapped around Jimin's waist, and Namjoon's hand was settled protectively on the small of Jin's back. Taehyung grabbed Jungkook's wrist and tugged him closer. After what felt like hours of charged silence, Hoseok spoke. "So, uh, Taehyung, why exactly are you hospitalized?"
"Oh, uh-" Jungkook broke in. "He fell. Hit his head." The silence settled in again. The grey clouds outside the small window filled the room with a sense of hopelessness. This time, it was Jin who broke the silence. "I don't even see why we're here. Why should we be supporting Taehyung?" Jin grabbed Namjoon's arm and turned to leave. "Wait!" Taehyung didn't even realized he had called after Jin until the tall, intimidating man's gaze locked onto him. "What could you possibly want? I owe you nothing. Nothing at all." Animosity crackled in Jin's eyes. "After what you did to me, I owe you absolutely nothing."

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