Chapter Three

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Jungkook flinched at Taehyung's words. He should've been more careful. Should've paid more attention. When did Taehyung wake up? When did he come into the bathroom? Jungkook had been too busy touching himself to notice. Now he was really in trouble. "I asked you a question, Kook. Do you feel like answering me?"
"I, um, well-" Jungkook didn't have a single coherent thought. He heard a thump outside the shower. "Tae, are you okay?" Jungkook hastily wrapped himself in a towel to check on his friend. Taehyung was lying on the floor passed out. He must've still been drunk. Hopefully the alcohol would erase any memory of Jungkook moaning Taehyung's name. Jungkook dried himself quickly, trying very hard not to compare the soft towel to the touch of Taehyung's warm hands, and put on the sweats and flannel he brought with him. Jungkook picked Taehyung up with a grunt and laid him back in bed. Jungkook laid a blanket on the floor, grabbed a pillow, and curled up. The sound of Taehyung's breathing lulled Jungkook into a deep sleep.

Jungkook awoke to the sound of Taehyung walking around the room. Groggily he raised his head. Jungkook's neck was sore from sleeping on the floor, as were his arms and legs, he discovered upon attempting to stand up. "How do you feel?" He asked Taehyung. "You know, I feel like shit." Taehyung stated. "I had a good dream though," Taehyung smirked. "You were in it." Jungkook gasped inaudibly and blushed. He hadn't forgotten after all. How did he remember after all the alcohol and after hitting his head on the tile? And a good dream? Really? A smile came to Jungkook's lips. He forced it down for the time being. If Tae thought he had been dreaming, Jungkook couldn't reveal that it had actually happened. There was no good way to handle this other than acting like nothing had ever happened.

It was Saturday, which meant Jungkook had the entire day to himself. He decided some coffee was in order, and not the crappy college dorm coffee. Jungkook headed out to the nearest coffee shop. He had just stepped out into the still gloomy weather when a hand grabbed his shoulder from behind. "You're not getting coffee without me, are you?" Taehyung whined in Jungkook's ear. "I'm so hungover, I need coffee really bad."
"Fine," Jungkook sighed. "I'm not carrying you though." Taehyung giggled like a teenage girl. Clearly he was still a bit drunk. Taehyung's hand stayed on Jungkook's shoulder as the two walked in rhythm. Jungkook felt Taehyung's hand burning into his body. At this point, touching Taehyung at all turned Jungkook on. He couldn't stop it. He kept his eyes straight forward as he continued towards the coffee shop. Almost there. This torture was almost over.

The bell on the door of the shop chimed, and marked what was hopefully a break for Jungkook. He was constantly tense. Every muscle was contracted, every nerve firing. Jungkook went to stand in line. Taehyung slid his arm around Jungkook's shoulder. Startled beyond measure, Jungkook yelped. This was the opposite of what was supposed to happen. Since when did Taehyung wrap his arm around Jungkook? This was all new. Jungkook stepped up to the counter and ordered coffee for himself and Taehyung. Every second that the barista took to make the coffees was another second that Jungkook stood, tensed up, with Taehyung's arm searing into his skin. Jungkook wondered if Tae knew what exactly he was doing to him.

Jungkook grabbed the coffees as soon as the barista put them down and hurried to a table. Taehyung had other ideas. He dragged the young man to a couch. Jungkook put the coffees down on the table and leaned into the couch. Taehyung leaned his head on the younger's shoulder. Jungkook grabbed his coffee and chugged the hot liquid. Every swallow burned his tongue and throat. This was the only way to survive having Taehyung so close. The only way to suppress the temptation. Honestly, Taehyung was probably open to heading to the bathroom for a quickie. However, Jungkook couldn't bring himself to take advantage of the drunk man. He also wanted his first time with Taehyung to be special. The bathroom at a coffee shop didn't seem quite as momentous as Jungkook wanted. Plus, when Tae sobered up he would probably be way less interested. Jungkook would have to hold onto this day, since it was likely one of a kind.

Jungkook slowly came to the realization that Taehyung's other hand was now on his thigh. It took all of Jungkook's willpower not to moan. He wanted Taehyung's hands there. He wanted them higher. He wanted to hear Taehyung's deep voice reduced to groans and curses. Instinctually, Jungkook widened the spread of his legs just a little bit. Tae's hand slid to his inner thigh. This time, a tiny whimper escaped Jungkook's lips. He knew this was wrong, but he couldn't bring himself to stop Taehyung's advances. He didn't want this to stop. Jungkook didn't care that they were in the middle of a coffee shop. He wanted Taehyung to take him right here, right on the couch. He wanted to feel Tae's undoubtedly monstrous length inside of him. He wanted Taehyung's hands on his own length. He wanted Taehyung here and now. Jungkook could feel himself getting hard. He knew he needed to stop. He felt Taehyung's hand drift higher. Higher still. Taehyung's hand now covered Jungkook's growing bulge. Tae's breath was hot against Jungkook's ear.

Jungkook abruptly stood up and fled. He ran the entire way back the the dorm and arrived drenched in sweat. "What's your problem, man?" Jimin asked judgmentally. Yoongi gave Jungkook a strange look from behind his small boyfriend. Jungkook ran to the bathroom as he got hard again. He had to relieve the pressure. Jungkook pulled his sweatpants off of his boner. His boxers followed. Jungkook stroked the tip of his length and twitched at the pleasure. His strokes became longer, harder, faster. Jungkook's member throbbed. Again, Jungkook climaxed with Taehyung's name on his lips. Jungkook cleaned up his mess and went to his room. He sat on his bed with his face in his hands and contemplated what he should do next. His phone buzzed with a call from Taehyung. Jungkook stared at the phone, paralyzed.

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