Chapter Sixteen (parental advisory🤪)

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Jungkook's entire body ached and throbbed with a sensation he'd only ever had a taste of. Every brush of Taehyung's lips on his neck and every stroke of Taehyung's strong fingers on his body set Jungkook on fire. His face was wet with a mixture of Taehyung's tears and moisture from Tae's still-wet hair. The weight of the older boy pressed him into the bed, but Jungkook didn't mind one bit. This was what he had always dreamed of. This is what wormed its way into his mind at the library, at parties, and especially in the shower. Everything was perfect, just the way he'd imagined it.

Taehyung didn't have room in his mind to think. He finally had Jungkook pinned underneath him, practically begging to be fucked. The younger boy kept letting out these little whimpers, and each one sent a little more blood rushing down between Taehyung's legs. He was just about ready to start now, but Taehyung wanted to drag this out. He wanted to savor every moment like it was his last. Most of all, he wanted Jungkook to be satisfied.

"Ah, Taehyung! Aaah!" Jungkook felt the sounds escaping his throat, but there was nothing he could do to staunch them. Taehyung seemed to know all the right places to touch. Jungkook was getting impatient, and he could feel that Taehyung was reaching the end of his patience as well. Jungkook grabbed the hem of Taehyung's shirt and ripped it off of him, not waiting even a second before going after the button of his jeans. He could feel Taehyung's scorching fingers pulling off his own shirt and then slipping into the waistband of his sweatpants. As Taehyung's hands drew closer to his hardness, Jungkook began to twitch. "Taehyung, please," the boy whined. "Please, I can't wait, please just fuck me! Plea—aah!" Jungkook was cut off when Taehyung's fingers slipped into his boxers and wrapped around his throbbing length.

Taehyung could barely hold himself back. That sweet, innocent boy was naked under him, flushed and wild eyed, pleading to be fucked. Taehyung's restraint was wearing thin. He nipped at Jungkook's shoulder, eliciting a high pitched moan which was followed by a louder cry. Taehyung snickered as he rubbed his hand up and down Jungkook's member. Jungkook arched his back, and Taehyung's hand hit the base of Jungkook's cock. How much longer can I do this? How much longer can I hold out? Taehyung wanted nothing more than to bury himself in Jungkook, but still he held off.

Taehyung's hand on his dick wasn't enough. Jungkook needed more. Both boys were in just boxers, and Jungkook knew that Taehyung could fuck him any time now. He was just waiting. It almost seemed like a game of sorts. Jungkook grabbed his own boxers and pulled them down, tipping his head back to receive messy kisses at the same time. Fully nude, Jungkook reached for Taehyung's boxers. His fingers brushed against the tip of Taehyung's length and both boys sucked in a breath. Holy shit, Jungkook thought in awe. He's massive. Can I take that my first time around? Jungkook grasped at Taehyung's member, but the boy had already slid down. His head was now level with Jungkook's cock. The first inkling of contact between Taehyung's mouth and Jungkook's length had the latter screaming in ecstasy.

Taehyung's lips hurt a bit, being stretched out so much, but he didn't really notice the pain. All he noticed was the constant stream of unintelligible, delighted sounds coming from Jungkook. He pulled away and flipped Jungkook onto his stomach. To accommodate for his length, the boy pushed up onto all fours. He dipped his back into a provocative arch and glanced back at Taehyung over his shoulder. A sudden realization occurred to Taehyung. "Shit, we don't have any—" He didn't even get to finish his sentence. Jungkook had already maneuvered over to the nightstand and grabbed a bottle out of the top drawer. "You're certainly well prepared, aren't you,"  Taehyung stated, amused. Jungkook pressed the bottle into his hand wordlessly and resumed his spread position. Taehyung squeezed some lube onto his fingers, rubbing it around to warm it up. He slid a finger into Jungkook gently.

Jungkook shuddered at the penetration of Taehyung's finger. This was his first time, after all. He didn't know quite what to expect. All he knew is that this was the best thing he had ever felt. Taehyung's finger plunged in and out of him, and it was shortly joined by another. He pushed deeper, and Jungkook pushed his rear into Taehyung's hand. Tae's fingers curled inside of him, and Jungkook's entire body felt like fireworks. He saw a million colors, and heard the blood rushing in his ears, and felt his whole body clench and release and clench and release. "Tae-Taehyung! Oh my god!" At that moment, Taehyung retracted. Jungkook sat still in anticipation.

Taehyung coated his length in lubricant, groaning at the sensation of his own hands. He couldn't wait a second longer. Taehyung pressed himself to Jungkook's entrance, and pushed in. He threw his head back silently and relished Jungkook's tightness around him. He pulled back, and thrust again, this time a bit harder. Taehyung didn't want to hurt Jungkook, but he also wasn't really in control. Taehyung fell into a rhythm, still not fully sheathing himself for fear that Jungkook couldn't take it yet. The younger rocked back in time to Taehyung's thrusts. Finally, Taehyung couldn't take it. He slammed himself into Jungkook with a deep cry.

Jungkook felt Taehyung's hips slam into his like the rain slammed into the ground every day. The older boy's full length was inside him, and it was earth shattering. With each thrust, Jungkook felt as if he was going to burst. He felt Taehyung grip his member, stroking to the beat of the thrusts. Jungkook cried out uncontrollably at the waves of indescribably hot pleasure flooding through his entire body. His abdomen ached deep inside, and every thrust and stroke from Taehyung pulled the ache closer to the surface, until finally it all came bursting out.

Taehyung could feel that he was very close. Judging from the swelling of Jungkook's cock, he was close too. Taehyung continued to tear into Jungkook and didn't stop even when he felt the boy spill himself all over the sheets. Jungkook's moan of completion was the last bit of motivation Taehyung needed. With one final thrust, Taehyung tightened and released into Jungkook. His moans echoed in his own ears and he fell to the side, pulling Jungkook into a hug. Jungkook's sweaty face peered over his shoulder. Taehyung kissed the boy's damp forehead.

"I guess we gotta do some laundry now,"

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