Chapter Nine

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Namjoon had spent years trying to get Jin to notice him. It was hard, being a quiet, academic gay man. Jin was everything Namjoon had ever needed. Outgoing, hilarious, resilient, confident, and of course drop-dead gorgeous. Namjoon had stepped aside for Taehyung. Neither Jin nor Taehyung had ever divulged the secret of their relationship, but Namjoon knew anyways. Namjoon knew a lot of things. He knew, for example, that nobody would ever fully forgive Taehyung for abandoning Jin like he did. He knew that the damage done to Jin ran far deeper than a broken rib or two. He knew how much Jin had loved that boy. He felt it, a gunshot to the heart, every single day. Every single day right up until Taehyung showed his true colors. The colors of cowardice and fear. Then, Namjoon stepped in. Became a savior. Jin learned to trust again. Namjoon got what he wanted. What he needed so desperately. At the expense of Taehyung, Namjoon rescued his true love.

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