Chapter Fourteen

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"God, I am such an idiot." Taehyung's head fell back against the tile wall of the shower with a sickening thud. Dull pain spread throughout his scalp, barely noticeable underneath the searing heat of the water. "I am an idiot," Taehyung whispered again. "Stupid, stupid, stupid." Taehyung took a deep breath, but halted when the tightness in his chest would not allow any more air. He had said "I love you". It had been a slip of the tongue, really. A Freudian slip. And Jungkook had said it back.

Steam filled Taehyung's lungs. He loved Jungkook. Jungkook loved him. Did that make them boyfriends? They would have to tell people eventually. Taehyung's entire body clenched at the thought of Seokjin finding out. He had absolutely no idea how the damaged man would react. That thought was absolutely terrifying. Taehyung shook his head. The thought was too much. Instead, he thought about Jungkook.

Scalding water beat against the same spot on Taehyung's chest, which was now red and tender. The mere thought of Jungkook drove Taehyung insane. That boy was such a damn tease. Kookie had known exactly what he was doing when he pressed up against Taehyung on that couch and sucked on that spoon like he was trying to leave a mark. Taehyung could almost feel Kookie's lips on his own. His mind flashed back farther. That day in Kookie's dorm. What- what if Yoongi and Jimin hadn't walked in at just the wrong moment? If instead of jumping back in embarrassment, Jungkook had slipped his hands down from Taehyung's shoulders to the hem of his shirt, breaking the kiss momentarily to pull Taehyung's shirt up over his head? What if Taehyung and Jungkook had been left alone that day, left to explore every inch of each other's bodies, left to explore their sexualities like they never had before?

Every possible scene played through Taehyung's head, and with every luxurious second, he became a little bit harder. Taehyung wished desperately that he were at Jungkook's dorm, rather than his own. He wanted more than anything in the world to bury himself in that adorable boy. Lust surged through Taehyung's veins, erasing anything, everything, everything except for Jungkook and his delicate body. His pretty collarbones and gentle hands and his soft, luscious lips. Unaware of his own movements, Taehyung slid his hands down to his now rock-solid length. God, he wanted Jungkook's gorgeous little mouth stretched around him. Taehyung's hands, alongside the burning hot water running down his chest, mimicked the imaginary motion of Jungkook's soft lips. Deep moans mingled with the steam, and it took Taehyung a while to realize just how much noise he was making. A spark of anxiety flickered in his mind, but it vanished beneath a new wave of pleasure. Air and steam rushed into Taehyung's lungs with a deep inhale. Dizziness writhed its way into his brain, a result of Taehyung holding his breath. The lightheadedness only served to intensify Taehyung's intoxication. An ache swelled deep within him, throbbing in the rhythm of his strokes. A light, airy feeling filled Taehyung from head to toe. The ache spread upwards, branching out and making every square inch of his skin sensitive. Every drop of water on Taehyung's skin, every rivulet streaming down him, was like a pinprick, a needle piercing his skin, a feather gracing his body. A deep cry echoed in Taehyung's ears as he seized in ecstasy. The ache within him contracted and his head once again hit the wall behind him, pain transforming to pleasure in the midst of his high. Taehyung spilled himself into the shower, continuing to stroke himself until every last bit of the ache had faded and every last drop had hit the wall or the floor.

Bracing himself against the wall in front of him, Taehyung panted and rested his chin on his chest. The stream of water hit the nape of his neck and his upper back, and Taehyung sighed contently at the massage.

"Yo man, you done in there?"

Taehyung jerked up in shock and mortification. His roommate. Fuck. He should have heeded that little flicker of worry that nagged him. Taehyung struggled to come up with a response. "What, do you need a shower or something?" He managed. His roommate's voice echoed off the tile. "My girlfriend is coming over and I'd rather we didn't have to listen to you touching yourself."
"Oh right, you're too cheap to take your girl out on a real date," Taehyung retorted, attempting to sound nonchalant.
"At least I have a girl. That's more than you can say, right?" Taehyung's roommate chuckled.
"Yeah, well I have a man, dickwad." Taehyung snapped, immediately flushing and regretting his decision to say such a thing. He stood up, letting the water run down his face. Taehyung's roommate was silent, and the creaking of a door indicated he'd left.

Taehyung sighed and turned off the water, reaching for his towel. He dried himself off like an automaton, too deep in thought to notice his actions. He'd just outed himself. What if his roommate couldn't keep his mouth shut? What if rumors found their way back to Seokjin before Taehyung could figure out how to handle the situation? This could ruin everything. Not that anything was okay in the first place, though. Taehyung looked down to see that he'd already clothed himself. He walked out of the bathroom in a daze, his feet dragging on the floor as he made his way to his bedroom. A sudden nausea filled his head, and Taehyung dashed to the nearest trash can. He was just in time; Taehyung had barely reached the trash can before he violently emptied the contents of his stomach into the plastic bag lining the bin. Taehyung stumbled into his room and did the only think he could think of: he called Jungkook.

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