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In her final form
She has no name

She has a royalty dress that has the colors blacks purples and also grays. She has an elegant look. But she has scary red glowing eyes in battle. She has long hair that reaches to her but but is covered by her hood the tips of her hair are blood red.

Her sword has the 4 elements and can slice through anything. She can summon a whole army of animals and her servant shadow if wanted.

This form shows her queen side and you should respect her. Her outfit shows she is ready for war and she is ready for anything. She can do anything

She is the impossible.

She can travel to other worlds and they will fight with her if a war is in the future. She also speak many alien languages.

All the photos are from legend of the cryptids, they are very talented in when it comes to online art.

Yui sister ( Diabolical Lovers) CompleteWhere stories live. Discover now