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Shout out to GoodgirlKiya

woke up and look outside to see it's snowing. YASSSSSSS BITCHES ITS CHRISTMAS EVE!!!! I jump out of my bed and run down stairs to see no lights, presents, or a tree. Bitch wtf.

I see Reiji in the kitchen making something so I go over to him. "Reiji why the fuck are there no Christmas decorations or presents" I ask him in my "mom Interrogating voice" he looked at me in anger for cursing but then he looked like he missed his prance when he saw my face. Trust me nobody lies it when you see me angry. I gave him my best death glare. "My lady we have never celebrated holidays and I think today is no different, what's the point of Christmas " Reiji mumbled the last part

I gasp dramatically. " no wonder your all dead inside you need Christmas, and I am bringing it if it's the last thing I do." I turn a round to leave a hopeless Reiji and go upstairs. They don't celebrate Christmas, what type of people are they. "Psh what's the point of Christmas." Mimicking Reiji in a deep voice,
"Xavier do you believe in what Reiji said, come on were going shopping" I grab Xavier and we leave outside.

I arrive at the mall and went crazy. Xavier is a good helper when it comes to shopping. I think he is better at shopping than me. I was going in the Nike store when I ran into someone. "Ouf sorry sir" I look up and see Kou. "Ohh it's ok Kitty" I smile at the man and I look to see he is shopping too. I mean what else you do at a mall. Besides shop and eat all of there Delicious food.

"You shopping for Christmas"
"Yeah, are you to, I thought the Sakamakis font celebrate Christmas" Kou ask with an adorable confused face. "They don't but I am and I am going to have a Christmas party" I dragged on the word party. While waving my hands in the air trying to not drop anything.

"Ohhh can I come" Kou was practically jumping like a high Bunny in crack. "I dont know" I decided to tease him, he has to work for it because I through the best Christmas parties. But he did the unexpected. He got down on his Knees in the middle in the entrance of the Nike store and begged. "Please please can I go" he gave me a sad pout and squinted his eyes. How can you say no to that face. "Ok ok you can go but bring your brothers" he jumped and hugged me. "Thank you Aoi, bye Aoi and Xavier" I smile and Xavier hissed a goodbye. *hiss*(I still don't trust the boys, and by boys I mean the Mukami and Sakamaki families)

"It's ok Xavier there not that bad" after that I went shopping for decorations and presents. The only thing I need now is the tree.

I went to the limo and put the presents in and decorations with a little help from John. "John can you go get a Christmas tree with this money, I have to go see someone" he nodded and kissed my cheek. "Be careful Aoi" he warned and smirk. "You to" John and Linda are the only ones that Xavier trust, he hasn't learned about Janet and Kelly because they are still dealing with family business.

I run back into the mall and go to Linda's store. I open it and see the same thing but huge has a lot of candles on. It smelled like cinnamon and pine trees with a hint of the herbs. "Hi Linda" she has her kid in the back playing with potions. "Hi Jessica" I recently learned that Linda had a little girl name Jessica, she is such a sweetheart like her mother. "Hi aunty Aoi " Jessica ran up to be and gave my leg a hug

I love kids. I picked her up and placed her on my hip. "Hello darling" Linda steps behind the counter and gave my and hug and a kiss on the head. She was like a aunt to me. And I know that my mom is watching being proud and happy that I met her. I sometimes talk to Mom and I am kind of her messenger to Linda.
" Lin by the way Mom said hi and she missed you, she also said merry Christmas" Linda smiled and so did Jessica. "Tell your Mom I said the same" Jessica has met my mom in a dream. Since Linda is a witch so is Jessica.

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