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A/N I just wanted to make a holiday story because I am the author and I like holiday parts in books. I was also bored so yeah.

Aoi pov

FUCK YEAH BITCHESS TODAY IS HALLOWEEN. I know the guys don't celebrate halloween but I heard there is a party for vampires down the street and I am going to have a fun time with or without the guys. I am scared for what Yui is going to were but she ain't stoping me from having fun.

I get of my bed and put Xavier on my arm. He just hangs like a bracelet. I go down stairs and I run into one of the brothers. " oohhff" I said and I look up to see Subaru. " Hey Subaru I am going to party later and I want to do something with you guys, you in or out." Subaru thinks for a minute and nods. Okay one down and two to go. I run down stairs to see all the guys in the living room but Yui is not there. Well that's perfect. " Hey guys I have an idea and all I need to know is if your in or out" they all thinks and Reiji asked me a question

" What are you planning" heheh my plan will work. "We are going to a vampire party and we get to pick each other's costume" they all nod and I get excited. " Ohhh I hope I get to pick Slut Chans outfit" oh god I know I have done bad things but please don't let him pick. " Ok well get in the car and I we will draw peoples name." The guy's teleport to the car and I already had a hat made for this. Hehehe this will be perfect. I am really good at make up so if anyone needs to make up I got you.

I ran upstairs and got the hat and names. I teleport in the car and see the boys sitting down. Kanato is jumping up and down and Laito has his famous smirk. Ayato has a smile and Shu and Reiji look serious. Subaru looks at the hat and I get everyone's attention.

" Ok well I am going to start mulling names" I shake the hat and the car moves to the Halloween store. " Ok the person who gets Shu is Subaru, the person who gets the costume for Ayato is Me, Reiji gets Ayato. Laito gets Shu, I get Laito" damm I am scared. How the hell did he get me, god you betrayed me curse you. " Kanato gets to dress Subaru. And I also get Subaru." Everyone seems either scared or happy at who they got. I am really scared for what Laito is going to have me wear.

The limo stops and I see we are in the halloween store. " Ok we will meet here in 30 minutes. I think I am also going to get Xavier a cow boy hat. " Xavier do you think you would like a cow boy hat." Xavier comes through my cloths sleeve and slithers down to my neck. *hiss*( yes I wouldn't mind that and thank you for not forgetting about your bed friend) sometimes he can be just to much for me.

30 mins later

I speed walk to we're we are going to meet and I see all the brothers there holding a black bag.
" Ok well let's go to the house we will hold onto the bag until it's 7 o clock than we will get ready.

When we got home everyone did there own things. I hear Yui grunting and I think she is having trouble. I nock on Yuis door and I hear a come in. I see her wearing a maid oitfit and she is having trouble with the zipper. " Hey Yui I know you hate me but do you need help zipping your outfit. " she nods thanking me. It's really short but I dont give two shits what she wears any more. I leave her room and go down stairs to start the cookies I am going to make to the party.

I finish baking and I see Kanato there. " Hey Kanato if you want you can have one and when I say ONE I MEAN ONE, you can have one cookie." Kanato jumps and smiles very happy. " Thank you BUNNY I love you" Kanato hugs me and kisses my lips quick. Ok well that was awkward. I look at the the clock on the stove and see is 7 shit I need to get the costumes. I teleport into my room and get the bag then I teleport into the living room and I see only Reiji there. Thank god I was not the only one late. I wait a couple seconds and I see the brothers appear.

" Well give the person there bag and go to your room and get changed" everyone does just that and I look in the bag and god help me. I finish getting dressed and I open my bedroom door. I start to walk down stairs and I see all the boys in there costumes and I say we all look good. The boys all look up at me and look me up and down and Subaru fainted, and everyone had nose bleeds.i also had bought Xavier a hat so he looks extra cute. He is around my neck and his head is near my stomach.

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