Laito Ending

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"i-I pick Laito" I finally say and everyone looked at me with the wtf face. I am sorry but Laito is still a perv but he is my perv.

"Haha I new I will be yours now let's go make some do something private ya" Laito said and he put me over his shoulder and ran to my room. "Ya I don't want to be a grandpa this early" I get dad shout and I giggle.

"I am not promising anything!" Laito shouted back and I am full on laughing at this point. God I love my life.


I wake up snuggled to my husband's naked chest. Yes me and Laito did it last night. We do it almost every night. How do you think we ended up with 5 kids.

I snuggle more into Laitos cheat and I feel him vibrate a laugh. "Morning babe" as Laito got older he still a pervert when the kids are not looking. The kids right now are with Jessica and Linda. They are traveling and learning spells. I bet they are having fun and I know I am but I still miss them.

"Thinking about the kids" Laito said and I snuggled into him giving him a nod of approval.

"Well we can always make more slut Chan " I giggle ad I feel his hand sneaking up yo squeeze my ass. I can't believe he still calls me that after a year we have been together.

I moan and he smiles. I get off his chest and slowly walk to the shower. "Not this early Laito my ass is still sore from last night" Laito only licked his lips in response "that only means I did a good job" Laito responsded with a smirk. GOD I LOVE THIS MAN.

"If you cook breakfast you will get some"I say and pull out red new laced panties and he jumped so high I thought he hit his head on the celling. "On my way~" Laito sang as he ran to the kitchen. What had my life come to.

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