Mukami brothers

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After the date with Shu I had a good time, tomorrow I have a date with Reiji I think he is more classy so I might have to dress up a bit more. Today is Monday aka the most hated day of the week.

I get out of my mouth watering bed and go take a quick shower. I don't want to wear the uniform today so I might as well wear something else. I have a bad feeling though. Just in case I might keep Xavier in snake form. Just Incase. I put him on my arm and get dressed.

I throw on my burgundy dress and some combat boots. And I head down stairs. I see the brothers getting into the limo so I run and catch up to them.

Once I am in the it's silent

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Once I am in the it's silent. I am sitting between Kanato and Reiji. Kanato is playing with his teddy and Reiji is either looking at me or reading his book. It was a regular morning or so I thought.

As soon as we got to school the fan girls go crazy. But once we open the doors I noticed some are leaving g to another limo. " Hmp who's that" I whisper to myself. Once the brothers are fully out I am still looking at the car. All the girls are shouting Mukami. I see one with blond hair come out and he looks at me. He smiles and waves and I smile and wave back. Suddenly my hand was jerked back and the culprit was Ayato. " Stay away from them" I look around to see all the brothers nod at what Ayato was saying and they walked to class.

I walk to my language class with Reiji and I take me seat in the front. Reiji sits next to me and I have an empty seat to my left. Everyone took there seats and the teacher looked like she was waiting for someone. The door bust open and a guy with black hair and white tips come on the room. " Class we have a new student, please introduce yourself" the teacher looked at the male and he stood with an emotionless face. " My name is Ruki Mukami, that is all you need to know" the guy said with a deep voice. " Ok Mukami please take a seat by Aoi. "

The teacher points to me and remind me to strangle her after lesson. The guy who goes by the name of Ruki smiles. He walks calming to the seat next to me and sat in it. I look at Reiji and I see him looking angry but he is trying to calm himself.

I look back at Ruki and smile. " Greetings, I hope you like the new school" I have my hand out to shake his and he took it. " Hello to you to." The teacher begins the lessons and I took some notes.

After the class everyone left and Reiji ran to his next class. I am the only person left and the teacher left to go get some paper in the copy room. I had PE next but that can wait. The door opens and I am still putting my planner away. I was about to get up bit someone forced me down. I know Ruki is a vampire he smells of one but he is not full. " So your Eve" who the fuck is eve. " Umm sir I am not eve and I need to get to my next class so if you excuse me" I was about to get up but the guy pushed me back down. " I will see you later eve" Ruki disappear and I ran it fo the class. Ok freaky man.

I get to PE and I see all the brothers there even the Mukami brothers. I noticed that the two family's were glaring at each other. Geez what happens like if looks can kill all of them would be 10 ft underground.

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