Stars with Subaru

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Shout out to Lilyanabonilla11 and IMDEADSAYORI

Today is the day I go on a date with Subaru. Well this is going to be interesting. We don't talk about to each other but we still care for one another.

After what happend with Laito, I I always blush when I see him. That perverted freak. Since the date was on Sunday and yesterday was Monday. Nothing really interesting happend that day. Most of the time I was dozing off, because I was thinking about the man in the mask.

He looks so familiar but I still can think of who he is. And recently I keep on thinking on Dad. Not my blood dad but my real dad. The one I always called Sir or man with red eyes when I was little. I am going to keep calling him dad it seems almost too fitting.

I know that Xavier probably already found his special lady but I can wait to meet her. Also after school yesterday I met up with Lin. She told me the basics of magic and stuff. She also talked allot about her kid Jessica. She even has her photo on her desk that I didn't notice. She is so cute and small.

I thought about what my life has come to so far and what has happened in the three months that I have like es with the Sakamaki brothers. I learned what I truly am and I met new people along the way. They will be like family to me in the future but they can't replace my real mom and dad.

I may call my blood father dad but he is just my father and he was never really there for me so I called the man with red eyes dad. But they both really equally important to me.

As I finished getting ready I ( outfit up top) heard a faint nock on my door. " Coming" I skip to the door only to be treated but a cool looking Subaru. "Hey Subaru are you ready for the date" he only nodded while blushing. He looks so adorable like that I wish I had my camera.

Aoi outfit

We walked all the way to the garden I see a area with heart in a circle. "Subaru did you do this" I just realized that's a stupid question. " Yes I did, who else will do it casper" I chuckle and I sat down In the middle of the flowers. " So what you want to do" I look at him and he smiles. A real smile not fake. " I know the other brothers did have an advantage in choosing a place to go but I wanted something simple. I thought you might want something simple so I wanted to watch the stars with you" I smile even brighter. That is so cute, I always liked simple things in my life but he must have put thought Into this. That is why I love it.

"Thanks Subaru" I motion him to come over here with my hand and he walked clamly as I look at the stars. " What a beautiful night' I whisper and I here Subaru whisper something. " Not as beautiful as the star in front of me"

I turn to look at which star he is looking at but I was met with his dark sea eyes. I blushed and looked up hoping he didn't see my face.

I start to sing and I here somewhere in the song that he joins in and sings to. Man even his voice is perfect. I feel bad. I can decide which to chose, all of the boys are so amazing it's incredible. I know I am singing this about my father and yui but what is Subaru singing about

Subaru pov.

I have a good feeling that Aoi is singing about her family or the people that was once close to her. But I sing for the same reason. I sing anoit my family and all the other moms the brothers have except Cordelia of course. She can die in hell which I am sure she is suffering in right now from Aoi blood dad.

We both have e been through things Aoi and you are a strong woman that I have grown to love.

Start song (I hate you I love you)

Yui sister ( Diabolical Lovers) CompleteWhere stories live. Discover now