Shus date

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Ever since the battle everyone has been happy, Yes the boys still drink my blood but I don't mind it. When the boys got in a fight about me I said that I will go in a date with each of them. Today's date was with Shu. I do like Shu more than a friend and to be honest I like a the brothers more than friends. It I don't know what to call it. It's difficult.

I took a shower and washed my white long hair and got dressed I wonder were he is taking me. Maybe I should dress casual. He seems like a casual yet classy type of person. I grab my black oversized eyeball hoodie. And put long black socks and lastly black combat boots. ( a/n I need this outfit in my life)

I here a nock at the door and I see Shu with one ear phone in and a black rose

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I here a nock at the door and I see Shu with one ear phone in and a black rose. " It thought you would like this. " Shu said in a tired voice and I smile "Arigato Shu Kun" i took the flower and grabbed a cup, I put water in the cup and I put the rose into it. Such a thoughtful person. I turn around and smile brighter at Shu. I saw a Shu face getting red, Oh no I hope it's not a fever. Just kidding I know he is blushing but he doesn't know that.

" Shu kun are you ok" I bring my head up to his to check his Temperature. Shu blushed more and I smiled again. This fool is too much sometimes. " Shu are you sure you are ok" shu nods and doesn't says thing probably not trusting his voice. " So Shu were are we going, I didn't bring Xavier so this has to be a special occasion" shu looks at me and just stared. His lips turned into a smile. " I am taking you somewhere important so hold my hand and we will teleport there" I nod and when I grab his hand he grabbed my waist tight and I closed my eyes in his chest.

I feel a cold air and it feels darker

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I feel a cold air and it feels darker. " I open my eyes to a Cathedral. But this Cathedral looks abandoned. " Wow Shu how did you find this place" I ask in awe. The glass was broken but still the walls had its amazing designs. Yeah there was some broken parts from the Cathedral but it still amazing. " I found it when I was younger, I hoped one day I can share it with someone and that person is you" I turn and smiled I ran to shu and hugged him and he hugged back. " I also made us some dinner" I look and I see there is a table near the windows.

It had red candles and it looks like soup, rice and sushi. It looked sooooo good that is going to gone in 2 minutes by me and let me tell you my plate was stacked with SUSHI yum. " Arigato Shu I can tell tonight is amazing."

We sat down and talked about our past and what we like and dislike. I learned that Shu had a very troubled life along with the brothers, he loves to listen to classical music and sleep. He doesn't like loud noises and don't disturb him while sleeping he gets cranky. When we finished dinner Shu pulled out a violin from under the table. " Would you play for me" I decided to tease him. " Umm sir you have to say the magic word" I giggle through if my head back slightly. " Ok will you please play it for me, your lucky I like you if you were a regular person I would of killed you for that" I nod and smiled I got up and sat on the floor.

Play song

I grabbed the violin and started to play. When I played shu also got up and he put his head mon my thigh and relaxed. When I finished I started to sing for him. I sang

She walks to school with the lunch
She packed
Nobody knows what she's
Holdin' back
Wearin' the same dress
She wore yesterday
She hides the bruises with linen
And lace
The teacher wonders but she
Doesn't ask
It's hard to see the pain
Behind the mask
Bearing the burden
Of a secret storm
Sometimes she wishes she was
Never born
Through the wind and the rain
She stands hard as a stone
In her world that she can rise above
But her dreams give her wings
And she flies to a place where
She's loved
Concrete angel
Somebody cries in the middle
Of the night
The neighbors hear, but they turn
Out the lights
A fragile soul caught in the hands
Of fate
When morning comes
It'll be too late
Through the wind and the rain
She stands hard as a stone
In her world that she can rise above
But her dreams give her wings
And she flies to a place where
She's loved
Concrete angel
A statue stands in a shaded place
An angel girl with an upturned face
A name is written on a polished rock
A broken heart that the world forgot
Through the wind and the rain
She stands hard as a stone
In her world that she can rise above
But her dreams give her wings
And she flies to a place where
She's loved
Concrete angel

Shu Pov

Aoi is just perfect. She is smart, beautiful, agile she is everything. When she plays the violin I think I just melt. I can listen to her all day. When she finished playing she stoked my hair and gave me a message. I swear she has the magic touch because once she messages my scalp all of my worries go away and I get even more sleepy.

I think she enjoyed the date since she smiled most of the time. She laughed and we had fun. I hoped she like the dinner I made it. To be honest that was my fist time making food but since he plate it clean I am going to guess she like it.

What will be her reaction if I kissed her. My hand reached out to hers and the other pulled her face to mine. she gasped. I got up looked her in the eyes and kissed her. It was a good kiss. My hands rap around her waist and hers to my head.

She melted into it and kissed back I teleport us to her room and we stoped. I laid on the bed and grabbed Aoi and she snuggled into me. Today was the best day of my life. Never in my life have I ever felt better is this what mortals call love. " Thank you my Dark angle for this." I put my head on hers before I heard. " Thank you shu I loved the night" I felt a kiss on my cheek and she fell asleep. On the inside I am screaming like a teenager. Ohh my god I am turning into a fan girl.

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