1. The Night It All Began

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It was your normal Monday, well as normal as it could get being a hunter. You left for a simple salt and burn. 'In and out.' you thought. Then back to your boring life, taking one case after another. In your spare time, you would earn money by playing pool at randoms bars across the country.

You were just about to fall asleep after doing as much research as humanly possible when you heard the door open. Pure instinct took over and you grabbed the knife from under your pillow and went to stab the annoying person, who dared to break into your room.

Right as you were about to stab the bitch, pain shot up through your arm as it was twisted behind your back. 'Crap,' you quickly thought as you came up with a plan to get out. So, you kicked whoever had your arm in the crotch. In return, they yelped and let go, but then you realized they were not alone. Before you could do anything your knees were kicked out from under you. You swept your leg, hoping to take down your attacker. Your leg connected with a foot, pulling it down. Urgently, you ran toward the door, a hand almost pulling you back in the process, but missing. You rushed to your gray '67 Pontiac and opened the truck, pulling out a gun. You aimed at the two men standing oddly close to you with a puzzled look on their faces. They were both very handsome, but the taller man had definitely caught your eye.

He had almost perfect hazel eyes with the most beautiful chocolate shoulder length hair. He had an extremely tall frame. You assumed he was over 6'0. The shorter one, who still towered over your small form, had short cropped hair with a color similar to that of sand. His eyes, however, were a mossy green, they almost looked clouded. You noticed in each of their hands was a pistol.

Thoughts raced through your head, were the cops, or maybe they were demons, but you hoped maybe they were hunters and Bobby just hadn't told them this case had been covered. The three of you stood like this for several seconds. Finally, breaking the silence you muttered, "So... why did you guys break into my room?" "What do you mean? that's our room," the taller one said confusion evident in his voice.

"Let's go check with the desk then," you dropped your gun to your side."Ok, why not?" commented the short one. His voice held confidence which you were sure was about to be diminished.

Once you reached the desk, you asked the elderly lady in a sweet tone about who's room it was. She explained that she had made a mistake, that she forgot to mark that you had booked that room only hours before and that there were no more rooms. You and the strange, but hot, men left to discuss it.

"Well Sammy, there aren't any more motels anywhere around here, so what do we do?" You heard the shorter one ask. "I don't know. That woman kinda seemed suspicious, the way she had a knife with her, and did you see that markings in her trunk. Maybe we can share the room and find out a little more. We can still work case too, Dean, just under the radar," the one you assumed was Sammy replied. "That 'woman' has a name. I'm a hunter like I'm guessing you two are," you said with a hint of distaste seeping into your words. They turned around and stared at your eyes wide. "Um... I guess we can um... share the room if you felt like it. You could always do the case on your own." said the tall one blushing a deep red looking at you in your pajamas, a large flannel shirt and short shorts with your hair up in a messy bun. "Sure, I guess. It would be ok to have some other people around, I don't really see many other hunters when I'm working. And um... are you guys gonna share a bed or..." you trailed off. Dean quickly replied, "I swear, Sammy every time! No, we're brothers, one of us can take the couch." "No, it's fine I can take the couch. I'm Y/N by the way." "I'm Sam Winchester, and this is Dean also Winchester 'cause, you know, brothers, not gay." You giggled "Yeah, sorry about that."You rubbed the back of your neck awkwardly. It was nice to finally have a formal introduction.

The three of you all headed back to your room, the brothers awkwardly shuffling behind you. You told them you would grab something from your car, and that you would be back in a second. You searched through your trunk to find an extra blanket you always kept handy. Hastily, you walked back inside. Setting the blanket down, you grabbed a pillow off of the side of the bed that Dean hadn't claimed. You set both items down on the coarse, stained carpet, making sure to smooth out your blanket the best you could. After the boys got settled in you turned off the lights and muttered a quick, "Good night Winchesters." "Good night, Y/n," said Sam. You felt your cheeks heating up involuntarily and you questioned yourself. "Good night, guys," Dean whispered half asleep already. Then, you drifted to sleep rather slowly due to your racing mind.


So I've noticed that a lot of people only read the first chapter and I don't know if they don't like the writing style, or that it is not action-y enough. If it is the latter, there is more action in the following chapter I swear.

❤️❤️❤️Your neighborhood friendly writer❤️❤️❤️

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