16. Dead?

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Hello my beautiful spiderlings! This chapter is around 700 words. I know they are usually longer, but me being me, I procrastinated until last minute. I thought that you guys would want a part soon, so here you wonderful people go. I have another in the makes, but I feel as though my writing is getting worse.

~Play the music~

Your Pov:

The last few months have been hard; Gabe died, and Sam and Dean left you at the bunker while they take out Lucifer. You begged them to let you come because you have felt they have been hiding something, but they wouldn't let you participate. You started to worry. They haven't called or texted in over a week. You started to lose faith that they will return you, but you clung to the thought of Sam. That Sam will return to you. You have been drowning the sorrows in alcohol, not wanting to leave for a hunt incase they come back, which they haven't. You started to hallucinate, lack of sleep you guessed. The Impala's engine or Sam's laughter, filled your mind, taunting you. Angel is probably wasting away to nothing from lack of care and driving, but you wouldn't, no couldn't, leave his room, Sam's room. His flannels are alway so warm in the coldness of the bunker. Bottles start collecting everywhere; the library, the kitchen, your bedroom, but never in Sam's room. You miss Gabe alot, too. Occasionally, you'd find a wrapper from one of Gabe's lollipop stuck in a couch cushion, making your chest tighten even more. Sometimes you just wanted to end it. You knew the boys might never come back, but you still clung to the last bit of hope in you. Permanent tear tracks find their home on your cheeks, so much pain and loss in so little time.

You heard the rumbling of the Impala's engine, chucking it up to a hallucination, you ignored it and took another swig out of your almost empty whiskey bottle. When the bunker door opened, you realized that the boys were finally back. You jumped up from your spot in the library running to the stairs. "Sam!" you exclaimed. No response was heard, but sniffling from someone. "Dean? W-what happened?" you questioned. Dean shook his head. Realization dawned on you. You couldn't hold it in. Your knees buckled and you feel to the floor, sobs racked your body. You were shaking. "N-no. H-he can't b-be de-dead." you sobbed. "No! He promised he would come back to me." You felt light-headed and your world began to spin. "Y/N?" Dean asked running over to you. "Y/N!" he yelled urgency filled his voice. That was the last thing you heard before the darkness took over and you passed out.

You woke up in your bed just as Dean walked in with carry Steel, your cat. "Dean," you rasped, "Please tell me this is some awful cosmic joke." You took Steel from Dean and pet his head. "I'm sorry, Y/n, but I can't do that." Dean replied sorrowfully. "Well, what do we do now. I can't stay here everything is a reminded of him, Dean. I just can't stay here." You continued petting Steel little body. "I understand, I really do. Before he-" Dean's voice broke, "-died, he made me promise to start a life with Lisa and take you with me. So, that's where we're heading, whether you like it or not. I'm sure you could find a job or even start college." "Sounds like a plan, but I have already completed some college classes. I never brought it up, but I did all AP classes in highschool and was taking college classes and medical school classes at the same time. I think I will start college again, but I'm not going to burden you. I am going back to my old college, Stanford. So, goodbye Dean." You got off of the bed and began gathering your things. "You know, Sam went to Stanford." You stopped moving. "H-he did. That's amazing." Tears formed in your eyes, but you pushed them back. Grabbing your bag, you slowly plod your way to garage, drinking in the bunker one last time. Dean followed you. He pulled you into a hug and then you left.

-_-_-_-_- el timeskip brought to you by my tears -_-_-_-_-

It had been two years and you had just finished medical school. You finished top of your classes and even got to skip the first two years because you had already done them in college before you became a hunter. You were about to start your residency when your best friend for the past two years, Emma, who was your friend before you left college, was murdered in her apartment with no sign of break in. You knew that it was probably a ghost and that it would be simple to take care of, but everyone on campus knew you. It would have been impossible to pose as an FBI agent, so you did they one thing you could, call Bobby.

❤️❤️❤️Your friendly neighborhood writer❤️❤️❤️

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