4. The Bunker

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Btw that is a '67 Pontiac GTO, which is your car. It comes up later in the story. Also I've been trying to make the chapters longer, but I've been busy with my fam and still am busy, but I'm trying.

The next morning you woke up with the worst headache ever. "Fuck, how much did I drink last night?" you wondered aloud. "A damn lot," Sam said walking out of the bathroom of the motel in just his towel to grab clothes. "Ugh." you put your head in your hands. You screamed at yourself mentally, remembering what you had told Sam last night. 'I tink I wuv you.' repeatedly played in your head. It seemed like forever before we came out of the bathroom. Forever was not long enough for you. You were not ready to see Sam after saying you loved him even if drunk because you really did love him. He walked over to you, put one finger under your chin,we and lifted it so you looked at him. "Want some advil? I think I have some." "That would be great and Sammy..." "Yeah" he replied not looking up from his bag. "Do you remember what I said last night." "About?" he asked with a playfully voice. "Don't mess with me. Did really mean what you said, that we could talk about it?" "Yes I did. And," he added a drunken tone to his voice, "I wuv ou too." He moved back over to you and handed you the advil.

Sam looked at you his intention was obvious. He grabbed your waist and pulled you closer, your forehead barely touches his neck. You got up on your toes, so you lips we barely an inch apart. You could feel his heavy breathe against your lips. You saw a small hesitation flash through his eyes, as if waiting for you to make the first move. The urge to kiss him took over and your lips collided. His lips felt rough against your smooth ones, but they feel together perfectly. You felt electricity run up your spine when he moved his down to the small of your back. As he pulled away you started to blush.

"Get a room you two," Dean said groggily rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. "We are in a room, Jerk." "Bitch." "How 'bout you two get a room." "Ha ha very funny, Y/n" Dean said. "Any ways glad to see you two finally kissed an a got that outta your system. I could feel the sexual tension everytime you both were around each other." You started to blush even harder as you walked to the sink to get some water to take the advil. Thoughts rushed through your head about whether you should go with them or not. You thought more about the latter because you didn't think Dean would want you around his brother.

You were on your way back from the bathroom when you heard the brother's yelling, but could make it out. Sam suddenly yelled out, "We didn't tell her about the bunker!" "The what now?" you said confusion evident in your voice after finally coming out of the bathroom. "The bunker, is um... well a place kinda like Bobby's house. You know who Bobby is, right?" "Of course I know who Bobby is he has practically been my dad for the past three years or so." "Wait how would we not have heard of you, I mean I know we have been busy but I don't think we have been that busy for THREE YEARS." Dean said a little agitated Bobby had never mentioned such pretty thing to him. 'Wait what was that' he thought 'I can't think like that she's basically Sam's girl now.' "I think he didn't want us to met. He always had a hunt, no matter how small, for me right before a group of people visited. I never knew who they were so I guess that it could be you." "I wonder why, you're amazing I wouldn't hide you," Sam said with a smirk. "Aww." you smiled, hitting him lightly on the chest. He grabbed your hand and pulled you closer to him. You stood on your toes and kissed him lightly.

"Seriously, get a room you two. Just because I like porn doesn't mean I want to see my brother and his girlfriend as of five minutes ago go at it." Dean said. You and Sam both turned as red as tomatoes. You buried you head into his chest and he cleared his throat. You could feel his chest vibrate at the action. "Well anyways, the bunker is where we stay in between hunts and it's where we live. Also it's not known to any hunters except Bobby, so don't tell anyone about it," Sam said with seriousness in his voice. "Yeah got it."

-_-_- el timeskip-o brought to you by suggesting things that might happen -_-_-

You followed them up the garage of the hidden bunker and found a place to park angel, your '67 Pontiac. Getting your duffle out of your trunk, you saw Dean had already parked baby and was getting his bag out of the trunk, but you didn't see Sam. You were about to go ask him where Sam was but two large arms wrapped around you. You screamed and kicked whoever that was in the shin, hard. "Ow!" exclaimed a familiar voice. "Oh my gosh Sam I'm so so so so so sorry, I..." he cut you off. "It's ok, really. What else should expect?" "But still...." you were cut off again by Dean laughter.

You turned around and saw Dean bent over shaking from laughing so hard. "I told you, Sammy." "Told him what?" "Not to scare you, but he thought it would be cute, so he did it anyways and now I can't stop laughing." "Well I'm glad you find joy in my pain because I think Y/n bruised by shin." Sam said. "Again, I'm really sorry." "It's fine, I've had worse. How about I show you to where you can sleep." "Sure."

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