8. The Birthday Surprise

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I would like to say in advance that this says somethings about Y/n's parents. My parents are wonderful people and they have raised me right. I am NOT saying that these are your parents. I'm sure they are wonderful people who love and adore you. If not, I don't know what to say other than it will get better, it has to. On a happier note, (or sadder) this chapter was really AND I MEAN REALLY long due to the flashbacks, so I cut off a few hundred words. I will add more to that part. AND I MEAN I HADN'T EVEN GOTTEN THAT MUCH DONE OF THE CHAPTER, so it might take a while. Sorry for the delay and enjoy the chapter.

You always hated your birthday and this one was no exception. You have been with the Winchesters for a few months now, and you had been formulating a plan to escape your birthday. A case, hopefully nothing more than a salt and burn. Easy enough to be a solo hunt, the perfect disguise. You did a bunch of repairs for Angel. You considered cutting the brakes on the Impala, but you decided against it.

Today was only a few days away from your birthday. You got up at 4:30 in the morning, to make sure no one was up before you. You left a note on the kitchen table simply sayin, 'Found a case I'll be back in two to three days.' That should stop them from attempting to track you. By 4:42 you were in Angel driving down the highway. You blasted Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen, trying not to remember what happened all those years ago, but failing. All the memories came rushing back.


It was your tenth birthday, the big double digits. You woke up to the usual sounds, your momma and dad screaming at each other, your older brother, who was sixteen, trying to stop it. This time it was different, when you went downstairs your mother had a handprint across her left cheek and tears streaming out of her eyes, one eyes was closed and black though. Your dad was standing at the door with a suitcase. 'Did dad beat momma?' you wondered, 'No he wouldn't do that... right?' "Where are you going dad?" "Away, Y/n, far away from you and your filthy bitch of a mother, but you," he pointed to your brother, "are coming with me. You can work, unlike your sister."

You spent the rest of your special day taking care of your mom's eye and crying. 'I miss Y/b/n (brother's name). I want him back.' Tears came back to your eyes. "Don't cry baby it will be alright." "I-I but.." you sobbed. "It's ok I'll pick up a job at the diner and then maybe next week we can celebrate your special day." "No," *sniff* "It's ok you can use the money." You spent the rest of the day crying.

~End Flashback~

You had never told anyone that story, even Bobby, but that wasn't the worst of your birthdays. It was like that day was cursed; like you were cursed. More tears rolled down your cheeks and splashed onto your lap as you drove down an empty rode. Another flashback hit you like a truck.


It was your nineteenth birthday and you left college to visit your mother only two states away. You thought about all you could tell her about your first year at college. You walked into her house and you could feel something off. The house was in disarray, books knocked over and tables turned. You didn't see your mother anywhere and decided to look in her safe spot, the diner she has been working at for ten years now. You ran outside and over to Angel when you saw your mother hiding in a bush. "Y/n..." "It's ok mamma don't worry it's ok. What happened?" "A-a man robbed me." "It's ok. Why don't we take you inside and see if anything is missing." "Ok."

You walked inside, your mother followed closely behind. She shut the door behind the both of you and locked it. 'Why did she do that? Maybe it was because she was just robbed.' you guessed. Before you knew what was happening, she had grabbed you pushed you into a kitchen chair and tied you to it. "Mom?" you questioned. "Shut up you piece of trash." "W-wha?" you voice was shaking and this caused your mom, that was not your mom to laugh. "You pitiful little human." she scoffed. "Who are you?" you questioned, your voice breaking in the process. The 'thing' in front of you in your mother skin's cut you deep on the cheek. Tears rolled down your cheeks, stinging the cut as it went."

After what seemed like many hours an older man burst through the door causing you to jump. He shot 'your mother' and ran over to you. The man, who you later learned was Bobby, asked about what had happened. You told him your whole story, including the fact that it was your birthday and how you thought it was cursed, he reassured that your birthday wasn't cursed. Then he told about monster and everything else that goes bump in the night.

You sat for a few minutes in silence taking in everything you had just heard. You looked up at Bobby and smiled. "Why are you smiling? After all that just happened, if I was you, I would be in shock until next year." "I smile because it's all I know how to do. When things would get bad with Mom, I would smile and tell her everything would be alright ever since I was ten years old." "Dang, Y/n, that's deep." "Is that a bad thing?" you questioned. "No I know a few twenty-year-olds and they are about as deep as a few kiddy pools." You laughed. "Hey! I have an idea. Since it's your birthday, do you want to get some pie from a diner near here." "Sure," You felt a silent tear roll down your cheek. 'That is where she worked...' "but let's call the police about this first." Bobby called the police and you guys left for the diner.

"Hey sweetie! Where's your momma? She missed her shift and that's just not like her," said Doris, the manager who had know you since your mom started working. "She has um..." you couldn't finish because the tears you were holding back fell. "Awww, sweetheart, come here." She hugged you. You wanted to stay like that forever, but she broke the hug. "Now come sit here with me and tell me what happened." "My mom..." you paused, trying to decide whether to lie or tell the truth. You looked over to Bobby, who had just sat across from you for answer, even though you already knew what he was going to say. "My mom passed this morning." "On your birthday? Sweetie I'm so sorry. I know your birthdays aren't the easiest. I'll get you some pie, on the house." "Thank you, Doris, for everything." "Your welcome, Baby," she replied, while walking away.

You and Bobby talked for what seemed like hours at that table. You tried to convince him to let you hunt. He said it was too dangerous, but finally gave in. You finished the pie, tipped Doris and left.

~End Flashback~


Look I'm down here too. *insert fake laugh* So, I know that there wasn't much fun or action, I just really needed the back story in. It was getting really long, like I said before, and I wasn't even past Sam finding the note, so I thought I could give you some more reading material and write a lot today and tomorrow. I should hopefully have out the next chapter before the 4th of July. If not, sorry in advance.

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