18. Soulless?

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The title is trash. I hope the chapter isn't. ENJOY!

You and the boys finished the case by salt and burning the bones of a dead college drop-out. It felt amazing knowing you killed what killed Emma, but her loss still hurt. Emma knew about your lifestyle and she was overjoyed when you got out of the life. She made you promise to never go back, but you just couldn't stay away. After working the case with your boys, even though Sam wasn't his usual self, you realized how much you missed it. So, you decided to tell them your decision at their motel before they leave.

"Hey Y/n! What are you doin' here?" Dean yelled as you pulled into the parking lot just as they were packing up Baby. "I made a decision." "Enlighten us Y/n/n what is this decision," Sam sassed. 'Gez he never stops. It's like he never loved me.' "I decided that I am coming with you guys," you confidently stated, but that confidence didn't last long. "Well that's great, Y/n. You can sleep in my room." Sam raised his eyebrows suggestively "Woah, woah, woah. Calm down, Sam. You can have your own room. We are heading to the bunker, just follow us there. I am going to have a talk to Sam on the way," Dean interjected. A quiet 'ok' was all you could manage. 'Why does Sam treat me like this. One minute he's sassy and uncaring and the next he wants in my pants!' you cried in your head. You could already tell you were in for a confusing drive.

-_-_-_- el timeskip brought to you by panwangs🐧 -_-_-_-

You had spent the car ride (which in reality is 27 hrs, but I'm making it like 10-15 hrs) to the bunker pondering your thoughts of what is going on with Sam. You came up blank everytime and decided on asking Dean. You forced your body out of Angel and prepared for yourself for whatever insult Sam had to throw at you, but to your surprise he just stormed off inside like a kicked puppy. As soon as Dean got out of his baby, you bombarded him with all questions. "Dean, why is Sam acting so strange towards me? Why didn't he even try to talk to me since he's been back? Did he think I left because I didn't love him anymore? He should know better than anyone that I could never stop loving even I wanted to! I mean he wanted me to get out! I mean I never really got out anyways." you whispered the last part to yourself. Dean hesitated and mumbled something incoherently. "What did you say?" "I said, he's soulless! Ok? My baby brother i-is soulless." A few tears dripped down his cheek. He quickly wiped them away and sucked in a deep breath. "He's soulless. He has no sense of guilt or regret or love or longing, but he sure does feel lust, greed, hatred, and all the not so great emotion. Strangely, he does have a sense of loyalty," he paused, "to you. He has yet to sleep with anyone, but he does talk about when you guys um... did the dirty. Anyways he keep trying to call you, but I wouldn't let him. When Bobby called he was all too happy to go and find you." Dean rabbled. "But if all of that is true, then why did he act so strangely towards me. His mood swings were off the charts!" "I'm sorry about that, but he is soulless. He wants you and not in the loving way, but he also is probably frustrated that he- I guess the old him- loved you, that it is just a part of him, soul or not," Dean concluded. "Should I just go then?" you wondered. "No, Y/n, of course not. Just please be careful around him. I don't mean to sound so protective, but try to not wear super revealing or do anything to, for lack of a better word, sexy. He probably won't restrain himself because he, like I said, has no guilt." "Ok. Thank you for telling me Dean. I'm gonna head inside."

Once you got inside, you felt a sense of peace wash over. You were back at your home, even if you had left it for two years. The peaceful feeling was disrupted when Sam whistled at you. 'Ugh at least I know what is going on now.' you thought. "I take it my brother told all about my dilemma because you know a night with me might just change your mind about putting my soul back. I like to play rough now." Sam teased. You shuddered. This was going to be a lot harder that you thought. "I-I think I'm ok in my own b-bedroom," you stuttered, your fear betraying your words. "Oh, come on Y/n please. We could have soo much fun together!" Sam mocked. "N-no. I-uh think I'll j-just go." You ran off down a random hall and abruptly opened and slammed a door. Your chest was heaving, so you did the one thing you could think of, drift safely off to sleep. 'Sam wouldn't come in here. He would take me without consent.' you reasoned with yourself, but how wrong you were you had no idea.


Hey! I know, I know. What is this? A new chapter, must be lies. Anyways I hope y'all enjoyed, if not sorry. I know it's not super long, but I think the writing makes up for it. I should have another chapter out next weekend, maybe sooner. Goodbye, spiderlings.

❤️❤️❤️Your friendly neighborhood writer❤️❤️❤️

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