17. Return

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I just want to say that school is getting hard, like really hard, and I'm finding less and less time to write, so I'm sorry for that. I will try to update every week to a week and a half. Sorry that this chapter short and maybe bad, but school had always and will always come first. Thanks you, my spiderlings. Without further ado the next chapter...

Bobby picked up the call quickly. "Hello, who is this?" "Wow, Bobby. Did you forget me so quickly. I feel betrayed!" you laughed through the phone. "Y/n! I haven't heard from you in so long. How've you been?" "I've been ok, Bobby. I finished school and I was about to start my residency." "Was?" You could almost see his eyebrow raise in confusion at your choice words. "Um, yeah. That's why I called. My friend, Emma, she um... she was um... killed and it looks like our- I mean your- kinda thing, so would you please send a hunter. I want revenge on whatever did this." "Ok, I'm sending my best hunter available. You might wanna leave town for awhile." "No. I'm staying. I want to help where I can." "Girl, I swear your gonna be the death of me! It's for your own protection. It's better this way." You were fuming. "Bobby just because I haven't been hunting doesn't mean I can't take care of myself! I am still a great fighter and I stay in shape! You can't control me! I'm staying whether you like it or not and if you decided not to send any hunters, I still am friends with some hunter, who will be glad to help! So what'll it be?" "You still got your stubbornness, girl, that's for sure. I'm sending hunter. They should be there in a few days." "Thanks, Bobby." You quickly hung up before he could say anything else.

It had been two days and another person had bit the dust. This time you didn't know them. You had been waiting in your apartment for the hunters Bobby had sent your way and you were falling asleep in your kitchen chairs. A knock at your door quickly woke you out of your daydream. 'Ugh! Why won't Sam ever leave me alone! It has been years and I still dream about him.' You pushed those thoughts down and answered the door without looking at who it was. The sight in front of you made you want scream, punch something, and hug someone all at the same time. You chose the second. Your fist connected with 'Sam's' nose and made a sickening crack. "Ah! Shit! Y/n, what the hell," he said. "You... your.... no... he's dead!" you screamed. "Well clearly I'm not," Sam sassed. Dean, who you hadn't noticed until now, pushed past you both and walked in. "Y/n, calm down. I swear he's not a shifter... or a remnant... or demon... or anything else. He passed all the tests. Although he doesn't-" "Dean," Sam warned. "Nevermind," Dean stated dryly. Without a second thought, you ran up to Sam and hugged him, although his embrace wasn't as warm and welcoming as usual. You pulled away from him. "How long have you been back Sam?" you questioned. "A year." "A YEAR, BUT YOU HAVEN'T CALLED ONCE!" His mouth opened as if he was about to yell back or give a sassy remark, but Dean glared at him and he changed his mind. "Well, you were out and I didn't want to get you involved again. I'm sorry," he said, but it sounded as if there was no meaning behind his apology. "It's ok, I guess. Anyways,-" you threw down a heavy stack of papers in front of them, "-the reason you came. This is all the research I have on the ghost t-that killed, E-emma," you stuttered slightly. You looked at Sam for his usual loving smile or reassuring eyes, but saw nothing but emotionless orbs staring back at you. 'Something is definitely wrong with him. Maybe it's just the fact that he has been through hell recently, literally.' Again, you pushed the thoughts away because even though your best friend had died, you had Sam back with you...

Or so you thought

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