15. Happiness

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Quick A/n:

First off, as you can tell the title is awful. If you have any ideas, please help. Secondly, I know it's been awhile, but school is back in and updates will probably be less frequent don't think I have forgotten my precious spiderlings. Also 69 votes... Get it.... 69...... Nvm. Here's the story.

Sam's Pov:

I plopped down into the chair I was reaching in earlier. "Wow, he really cares for Y/n." Dean patted my shoulder, "Tell me about it. I do feel really bad torturing her, well it was Ruby, but still." "I know what you mean, Dean, I really do," I sighed. "Good because I don't think he was joking about murdering us," Dean laughed. "Anyways I'm gonna head off the bed." "Ok, I'm going to stay up and look for a case. Night, Dean." "Night, Sammy."

-_-_- el timeskip brought to you by me -_-_-

Your Pov:

It happened again. Those damn nightmares haunt you. Always the same, your mother and father abusing you and Y/b/n (brother's name) teasing you, calling you names. It so much and you usually would talk to Ruby about it, but that couldn't happen since you found out she was a lying bitch. You decided that would go to library and try and find something to take your mind off of the dream. Little do you that you would do just that.

When you got to the library, you saw the light was on, but thought nothing of it. Continuing on your way, you hummed Y/f/s (Favorite song) and picked out a huge book on skinwalkers. 'Maybe the Men of Letters know something about them that I don't,' you thought. You turned around and ended nose to nose, more like nose to chest, with someone and almost trip into the bookshelf behind you, but two hands grab your upper arms. "Sorry, Y/n, I didn't mean to scare you." "Oh, it's ok, Sam. Why are you up anyways?" you questioned. "Why are you?" he responded. "Hey," you slapped his arm playfully, "I asked first!" "Ok, ok. I was looking for another case, but I ended up thinking about....." he trailed off. "Thinking about what?" you pushed. "N-nothing," he stuttered blushing, "Anyways your turn. Why are you up?" "I um... had nightmare," you whispered. "It's stupi-" Sam cut you off, "Y/n, it's not stupid, we all get nightmares sometimes." I know, but it makes me feel stupid and weak and-" He cut you off again. "Your not weak or stupid. You are beautiful, smart, brave, and the best damn hunter I know. Y/n, I love you and I always will. When you ran, I broke. It was the worst month of my life. Then I saw you at that motel and my heart leaped." Your heart fluttered as you realized how you have felt all along. "Sam, I didn't want to believe the things Ruby told me, but she made them sound so real," you sobbed. "I-I never stopped loving, not once. I j-just didn't know how to handle the things she told me. I was a coward and ran. I don't deserve your love, Sam." Tears rolled down your face. Sam cupped your cheeks and used his thumbs to wipe the tears. "Y/n, you are as far from a coward as anyone can get. If anything it is me who doesn't deserve you." "I love you, Sam, so much."

Without a second thought you smashed your lips into his. He was shocked at first, but he soon returned the kiss with all his passion. Your problems were forgotten as you both melted into the kiss. A few seconds past and, you broke away for air. Your head rested on his chest instinctively. After a minute you moved your head off his chest and sat on a loveseat sitting by a large bookshelf. Sam sat next to and you rested you head on his shoulder. You both talked for what seemed like an hour talking about the epic cases you had taken, but you end up apologizing ever time Ruby comes up. He told you about Lucifer and how he and Dean had gotten all the rings from the horsemen, leaving out the part of his sacrifice plan. Your eyes were getting heavy, so drifted off to a peaceful sleep, listening to Sam's breathing.

Dean's Pov:

I woke up late and it felt great. I walked out of my room and it didn't sound like anyone was awake, so I quietly tiptoed to the kitchen. I knew Y/n would want some rest after the last few days she's had. I poured myself some coffee and made my way to library to see where Sam left off in his research. When I got there I almost spilled my coffee at the sight in front of me. Sam and Y/n were cuddled up a small couch in the corner of the library. I realized I was staring when Sam started to stir and his eyes landed on me. "Welp, this is awkward," I stated as I shifted my weight from foot to foot. "Um... Dean how long have you been there?" Sam asked clearly confused. "I just got here. Also, (sPiLl tHe tEA) what has happened here," I gestured to the chair. "Tell me guys didn't do it on the tables, Sammy." He looked shocked. "What! Dean, no! We just talked and she fell asleep, so I just stayed there. I didn't want to wake her up," he explained. "Whatever, I'm glad you guys sorted that all out." "Me too. I'm just worried about how she'll react when I have to tell her about the plan." "It'll be fine, Sam. You've been through so much you guys will get through this," I encouraged him. I really want to tell him no, that he needs to stay here with me, but I know he doesn't listen. I want to cry, but I won't do that. I need to be strong for him. "I hope you're right, Dean. I really do," he turned and looked at Y/n. She looked so peaceful and beautiful. 'No Dean stop. You've done this before. She is Sam's girl, she will always be,' I scolded myself.

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